The Journal of Dinnivan d'Sivis

This is an in character journal of a Dungeons and Dragons Eberron campaign known as "The Shattergate Cycle" as written by Dinnivan d'Sivis.

My Photo
Location: Urik, Dark Sun

I have been DMing off and on since 1979.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Pazenga 8th githzerai monk

Pazenga – Githzerai 10th Level Char/8th level Monk LG (87 pts L - 99 pts G); DOB Vult/15/977YK (12/15/06) Updated 09/08/07
6’ 5", 154 lbs, Yellowish skin-Reddish Brown Hair, Gray Eyes, Age 20, Exp Pts 49,610+ (-570EP for 9HP) (-0 EP used for game action)
Patron Deity: None - Group Name: The Honor Guard – Game date: Aryth 10th 998YK
Hit Points 81 (1d8, +3 Con) (rolls-8, 7, 8, 7, 6, 8, 7, 6)
AC 34 (+7Dex&+6WisAC Bonus,+4 Inertial Armor PsonicAC,+1 Amulet of Natural Armor,+2 Monk belt,+2Ring,+2 ShieldRing)
AC 34 – Attack of Opportunity (+7 Dex & +6 Wisdom AC, +4 Psonic AC, +1 Amulet, +2 Monk belt, +2 Ring, +2 Ring Shielding)
AC 27 – Flat Footed (+6 Wisdom AC, +4 Inertial Armor Psonic AC Bonus, +1 Amulet, +2 Monk belt, +2 Ring,+2 Ring Shielding)
Touch AC 30 (+7 Dex & +6 Wisdom Char AC Bonus, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +2 Monk belt, +2 Ring, +2 Ring Shielding)
Monk Belt – Add 5 level to Monk Level to the Unarmed Damage & AC Bonus from the monk table on p40 plus 1extra stunning fist per day.
Str 11 (+0)
Dex 24 (+7)(roll 17 +6 Char Bonus, +1 Bonus at 4th Level Monk)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 (+0) (roll 12 -2 Char Bonus)
Wis 22 (+6) (roll 17 +2 Char Bonus, +1 Bonus at 8th Level Monk) (Perapt of Wisdom +2)
Char 10 (0)
Dark vision up to 60’
Heavy Cross Bow: attack +14 (+6 BAB, + 7 dex, +1 Master Craft) Damage 1d10 +1 (Crit 19-20/x2) P Attack
Range 120 ft no penalty; up to 240 ft is a –2 penalty; up to 360 ft is a –4 penalty; up to 480 ft is –6, penalty, up to 1200 ft with a –18 penalty
(Have 8 of 11 Stunning Fist per day DC 20 does damage, too – Also can use one of my Stuns for Weakening Touch Feat for no damage)
Flurry of Blows 1st Attack +12 (+5 Flurry Attk Bonus, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 2d6 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/x2 – Blunt Attack
Flurry of Blows 2nd Attack +12 (+5 Flurry Attk Bonus, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 2d6 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/x2 – Blunt Attack
Flurry of Blows 3nd Attack +7 (+0 Flurry Attk Bonus, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 2d6 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/x2 – Blunt Attack
Unarmed 1st Attk: Full attk +13 (+6 BAB, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 2d6 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/ x2 - Blunt Attack
Unarmed 2nd Attk: Full attk +8 (+1 BAB, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 2d6 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/ x2 - Blunt Attack
Dagger: 1st Attack +13 (+6 BAB, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 1D4 Crit 19-20/x2 - P/S Attack
Dagger: 2nd Attack +8 (+1 BAB, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 1D4 Crit 19-20/x2 - P/S Attack
Initiative: +7 Dex
Movement: - 60 (If stay Light Encumbrance Bonus of 10ft at 3rd Level Monk & at 6th Level Monk)(10ft Boots of Striding)
Normal (2xbase/charge)-120 Run (5xbase)-300 Combat (Base)-60
SAVES: Note Spell Resistance DC13 against magic spells (DC = Monk Level +5)
Fortitude +11 (+6 base, +3 con, +2 Cloak Resistance)
Reflex +15 (+6 base, +7 dex, +2 Cloak Resistance)
Will +14, +16 (+6 base, +6 wis, +2 Cloak Resistance) (+2 Still Mind against spell saving throws from school of enchantment effecting mind attacks. p 41)
SKILLS: 44 (4pts when level up as Monk) p. 66-86 (Working on Skill Tricks: Spot the Weak Point)
Balance +14 (+5 ranks, +7 dex, AC penalty, Synergy +2 Tumble) Concentration +3 (+1 ranks, +3 con)
Climb +1 (+1 ranks*, +0 str, -0 armor chk penalty) Escape Artist+7 (+0 ranks*, +7dex, 0 armor chk penalty)
Hide +14, +15 (+7 rank, +7 dex, -0 armor check penalty, +1 Cloak if in dark) - Synergy +2 if ropes are used
Jump +9 (+5 ranks, +0 str, -0 armor chk, Synergy +2 Tumble,Boots +2) Languages Common +1 (+1.0 ranks)
Listen +7 (+1 ranks, +6 wis) Languages Daelkyr +0 (+0.5 ranks)
Move Silent +15 (+8 ranks, +7 dex, 0 armor check penalty) Languages Under Common +0 (+0.5 ranks)
Sense Motive +6 (+0 ranks, +6 wis) Ride +7 (+0 ranks, +7dex)
Search +0 (+0 ranks, +0 int) Swim +0 (+0 ranks, +0 str)
Spot +10 (+4 ranks, +6 wis) Use rope +8 (+1 ranks*, +7 dex)
Tumble +14 (+5 ranks, +7 Dex, Synergy +2 Jump) NOTE: * ranks I want to get to 5 ranks for synergy p 66
Twisted Charge Skill (+2 ranks) – Can make one direction change during a charge attack.
8 left out of 9 Action Points – (Base 5 and plus 1 every even level, reset at next level lose unused action points)(roll 2D6 pick highest)
(Note: If need Feat of Foot use an action point - Complete Warrior p 99)
Can heal myself up to twice my Monk Level (16 pts) per day. Note have used 7pts this day only have 9 left.

Psionics Power 3/Day Note Cast Inertial Armor Spell every morning
Daze (DC 10) - p. 217 - can daze up to 4HD for one round.
Feather Fall - p. 229 - up to 60 feet 1 round worth of fall no damage/ or runs out and start the falling damage from that point
Shatter (DC 12) - p. 278
Inertial Armor Spell - p. 113 Psionics Handbook – AC bonus of +4.
Equipment: Light 38 lbs, Medium 76 lbs & Heavy 115 lbs – (Note 50 coins equal 1lb)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Monk Belt(color is black with Red Rune on it), +2 Ring, +2 Force Shield Ring , Periapt of Wisdon +2, Horn of Fog (1lb), +1 Heavy Cross Bow (8lbs), 12 Bolts (2.4lb), Back Pack (2lbs), +2 Cloak of Resistance & Dark Weave Cloak (+1 Hide in Shadows or Darkness) (2lbs), Boots of Striding and Springing(1lbs), Blanket (2lbs), Bag of Holding (15lbs), Survival kit – (small knife, flint & steel, wet stone, 10 candle, 5 chalk, pitch, dry kindling, tiny vial of oil, fishing hook and line, rock candy, (2.5lbs), In Pouch 7 Vial Cure Moderate 2D8 +5, 2 brown bomb, Displacement (1.0lbs), small belt bag with Silver Pendent from Star Song Hill, 46 gp and 4 sp (1.0lbs). Weight I’m carry is 37.9 lbs.
Upkeep Cost: my cost of living well is 45gp per month Living poor is 12gp per month.
Githzerai, Common Tongue, Poor Daelkyr and Poor Under Common
Companions Traveling I joined at Haunted House on Rhann 22th 998YK:
Elanir - Elf (Jim F.) joined at beginning on Mnhy 2nd 998YK
Dinnivan - Gnome (Keith) - joined at beginning on Mnhy 2nd 998YK
Zed War forged (Gerald) – joined at beginning on Mnhy 2nd 998YK
Companions Left or Died:
Simon – Human Ranger (Erin) – joined (6/22/07) to save New Crye on Sypheros 26th 998YK – Left after saving New Crye Aryth 5th 998YK
Bryanna – Gnome Dinnivan Wife (Keith) – Joined on wedding day Sypheros 1st 998 YK –Died by Blue Dragon Aryth 10th 998 YK(9/7/07)
Bag of Holding for 15 lbs (Max 250 lbs) – 221.2 lbs
3 water skins – 1 empty 4lbs ea 12lbs
Bedroll (Pazenga) 05lbs
40 Days Rations 40lbs
140 Cross Bolts (1lb per 5arrows) 28lbs (Pazenga)
270 Arrows d8 (3lb per 20 arrows) 40.5lbs (Elanir)
50 foot of silk rope 05lbs
50 foot of hemp rope 10lbs
20 Vial Cure Moderate 2D8 +5 2.0lbs In a small bag.
6 Vail of Holy waters 0.6lbs
1 Potion of Pass without trace 0.1lbs
3 Potions Bull's Strength 0.3lbs
5 Potions Invisibility 0.5lbs
Pouch of 180 pp & 3.6lbs
Ancient Tea Set 2.0lbs Dragon Horde
3 Matching Emeralds Gems & 8 gems (40gp) from Dragon Horde 1lbs
Magic Staff Red and Organge design 4lbs
Magic Purple Metal Scimitar p60 4.0lbs
Many jewels worth 200gp 5.0lbs
3,160 GP 63.2lbs
At Dragon Horde
9710 SP 194.2lbs
5000 GP 100lbs
5 Climber Kits 5lb ea 25lbs
2Grappling Hooks 4lbs ea 08lbs

Feats: (Note: Working on Dodge Feat –for 9th level Monk - then Fist of Iron, Pain Touch or go for Spring Attack?)
1st level Monk Run –Can run 5 times my normal movement speed with light weight adjustment and keep my Dex bonus while running.
3rd level Monk Weapon Finesse – May use Dexterity Modifier instead of Strength Modifier on attack rolls for light weapons. p. 102
6th Level Monk Weakening Touch – Must declare at beginning of my turn. I must make a successful unarmed attack (if I miss the attempt
has failed). If I hit it is an unarmed attack that deals no damage, but instead applies a -6 penalty to the target strength score for one minute
Multiple weakening touches delivered on the same targer are not cumulative. Each attempt to deliver a weakening touch counts as one
of my stunning fist attacks for the day. Creatures with immunity to stun effects cannot be affected by this feat. Complete Warrior p 106.
9th Level Monk Dodge -
Monk Feats:
AC Bonus, p40 – Add Wisdom bonus to AC is good against Touch Attack and Flat Footed.
Unarmed Strike p40 and Improved Unarmed Strike p96 – I’m considered arm when unarmed; do not provoke attacks of opportunity for
armed opponents when I attack them while unarmed. However I can get an attack of opportunity against any opponent who makes
an unarmed attack against me. Plus, I can deal lethal or non-lethal damage.
Flurry of Blows, p40 – get an extra attack at the highest attack role. See monk table for attack bonus.
Stunning Fist (DC20), p101 – Must Declare I’m using feat first, If I fail attack roll that ruins effect. If I hit opponent they make a fortitude
saving throw (DC10 + ½ Monk Level + wisdom modifier) if failed stunned for 1 round. Stunned oppenten lose dex AC plus a
minus 2 AC penalty. Can use up to my monk level per day plus one every four levels, plus one from monk belt.
2nd level Monk EVASION: Can avoid even Magical and unusal attack with great agility by making a reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage for no damage if successful on my saving throw.
2nd level Monk Combat Reflexes, p. 92 – One plus Dex Bonus on number of attack opportunity I can take (8) can also attack opportunity flat footed.
3rd level Monk STILL MIND – Get a +2 against spell saving throws from school of enchantment effecting mind attack. p. 41
4th level Monk KI STRIKE – unarmed attk are treated as Magic Weapons for purpose of Dealing Damage to creature w/ Damage Reduction.
5th Level Monk PURITY OF BODY – Immunity to all Diseases except for Supernatural & Magical Diseases.
6th Level Monk Bonus Feat IMPROVED TRIP P 96 & 158 – Does Not provoke attack of opportunity when attempting to trip while unarmed
I gain a +4 bonus to Strength Check to Trip. My Str Check is opposed by Defenders Dex or Str check (whichever is higher). Bonus on
size difference and more than two legs. If I trip then I get an immediate melee attack against them being prone -4 to AC and they take a
move action to stand up. If I lose the opposed roll the defender may take an immediate trip str check against my Dex or Str roll.
7th Level Monk WHOLENESS OF BODY – I can heal my own wounds up to # of hit points of damage twice my current monk level each day. Plus can spread this healing out over several uses.
4/6/8th level Monk SLOW FALL – within arm reach of a wall can use it to slow my descent. Take Damage if fall were 40’ shorter than actual

Our Driver is Falin and what on his wagon.
Many books and journal p 31 of keep
Exp pts to Level up to:
2nd Level Monk needs 6,000 3rd Level Monk needs 10,000 4th Level Monk needs 15,000 5th Level Monk needs 21,000
6th Level Monk needs 28,000 7th Level Monk needs 36,000 8th Level Monk needs 45,000 9th Level Monk needs 55,000
10th Level Monk needs 66,000 11th Level Monk needs 78,000 12th Level Monk needs 91,000 13th Level Monk needs 105,000
Dragon Head and Wings Buried at Drumland Ferry.
In Castle Dinnivan is taking over
Buried a Metal 3 foot Cube of something (100lbs)
20 Sling Bullets of Zed 10lbs
An Ever Bright Lantern 03lbs
2 Bedroll (Dinnivan & Bryanna) 10lbs
Bedroll (Elanir) 05lbs


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