Dinnivan level 12 (includes retraining)
Dinnivan d'Sivis Tomebinder
Rock Gnome 12th character level, 3rd level Archivist, 3rd level Wizard (1st Gnome Illusionist Racial Sub. Level) 6th level Mystic Theurge (divine caster level 9, Arcane caster level 12 with Practiced Spell Caster)
Lawful (85) Good (94) Birth Date 892 Rhaan 12th
S 6 (-2)
D 10 (0)
C 16 (+3)/18(+4)
I 21/23 (+5 bonus spells 2/1/1/1/1)/(+6 bonus spells 2/2/1/1/1/1)
W 17 (+3 bonus spells 1/1/1)
Ch 11 (0)
AC 15/19G (+1 size +3 armor +1 ring) hp 94 (rolls 6,4,3,6,5,4,3,4,2,4,3,2) Speed 20'
Action Points 11 (2d6) Experience Points 73,933/78,000
Melee attack: dagger +2 (-2 str, -2 flaw, +1 size, +5 wiz,arch,mystic) damage 1d3-2 19-20/x2
+4 vs. kobolds and goblinoids
Missile attack: Crossbow or rays +4 (-2 flaw, + 1 size, +5 wiz"arch,mystic)
Fort + 11/+ 13 vs. illusion (+4 con, +3 Archivist, +1 Wizard, +2 Mystic Theurge, +1 Cloak)
Reflex +5/+7 vs. illusion (+ 1 Archivist, + 1 Wizard, +2 Mystic Theurge, + 1 Cloak)
Will + 15/+ 17 vs. illusion (+3 wisdom, +3 Archivist, +3 Wizard, +5 Mystic Theurge, + 1 Cloak)
Skills (48 points Archivist, 18 wizard, 39 Mystic Theurge)
Listen +5 (+3 wisdom +2 gnome 0 ranks)
Craft: Alchemy + 1 0 (+ 1 rank +6 int +2 gnome + 1 specialized)
Profession: Scribe +5 (+3 wisdom +1 rank +1 specialized)
Healing +7 (+3 wisdom +4 ranks)
Decipher script + 11 (+1 rank +6 int +2 archivist +2 Sivis Dragonmark)
Speak Language: Goblin (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Hide +8 (+4 small +4 ranks)
Speak Language: Orc (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Knowledge Nature + 11 (+5 ranks +6 int)
Knowledge Arcane +21 (+6 int + 15 ranks) Magical Beasts
Knowledge Dungeoneering + 16 (+6 int +10 ranks) Aberrations (2 cross class)
Knowledge Planes + 15 (+6 int +9 ranks) Outsiders and elementals (0 cross class)
Knowledge Religion +23 (+6 int +15 ranks +2 archivist) Undead
Concentration +19 (+4 con +15 ranks)
Spell craft +23 (+6Int +15 ranks +2 synergy w/ know. arcane)
Bluff +1 (1, rank, +0 char) 2 cross class
Swift Concentration (2 points) l/encounter maintain concentration as swift action
Collector of Stories (2 points) l/encounter +5 to know creature powers or vulnerabilities
Free- light armor and simple weapons
Free- Scribe Scroll
Flaw- Practiced Spell caster (caster level is as character level)
Flaw- Sivis Dragon Mark (comprehend languages l/day +2 decipher script)
1st Trivial Knowledge (2 dice rolls knowledge checks)
3rd Spell Focus: illusion
6th Improved Spell Focus
9th Touch of Healing (3hp/spelllevcl reserve cure in healing per round, 50% max)
12th Craft Wand (750gp x spell1cvel x class level)
Non-combatant (-2 melee)
Shaky (-2 ranged)
Specialized (+1 alchemy -2 all other crafts)
Specialized (+1 Scribe -2 all other professions)
Burrowing Mammal
Racial Abilities
Low light vision
Innate Spells (at wizard level due to 1st level gnome illusionist racial substitution level)
l/day 1st level Speak with (burrowing) Animals, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Class Features:
Dark Knowledge (4/day, move action, 60', 1 minute, know roll 15=+1 attack, 25=+2 attack, 35=+3 attack)
Shadow Shaper (hide is class skill but lose bonus feats)
Immediate Magic: Brief Figment int mod/day (immediate action, 1 mirror image, 1 round, but lose familiar) 1st level Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution level: Gnome Illusion Spells:
gnome gains wizard level as level of racial spell-like abilities and -1 spell level on the following spells 0/1st Silent Image, Ventriloquism; 1st/2nd Leomand's Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image; 3rd/4th Illusionary Wall; 4th/5th Persistent Image; 5th/6th Programmed Image
but gnome has penalty or -1 caster level on Transmutation spells (removed by Practiced Spell caster)
Archivist Prayer Book All Clerical
1st Level Divine Spells
Cure Light Wounds (ld8+5, will 1/2), Protection From Evil (1 min/L), Summon Monster I (25'+5/2L, I round, I round/L), Sanctuary, Hide From Undead, Resurgence (touch, 2nd save), Command, Summon Nature's Ally I (25'+5/2L, I round, I round/L, wolf), Entangle (400'+40/L, 40' radius, reflex for 1/2, move or held fast and DC20 strength or escape artist to move 1/2 un-entangled must save each round), Night Shield (+1 saves 6"'=+2 9"'=+3, negates magic missiles) Obscuring Mist (20' 20% miss 5', 50% miss 10+, I min/L), Burning Hands (15' cone, 5d4), Bless Water, Remove Fear, Good Berry, Pass without Trace. Hide from Animals, Repair Light Damage
2nd Level Divine Spells
Lesser Restoration (3 rounds, cures 1d4 removes reduction), Silence (400+40/L, 20'), Hold Person (100'+ l0/L, 1 round/L), Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+ 1/L), Summon Monster II (25'+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, no more than 30' apart) Shield Other (25'+5/2L, 1 hour/L, +1 AC & saves), Web (100+ l0/L, 20' radius, 10 min/L, reflex to get loose or stuck DC 20 str or 25 escape artist 2nd chance to get loose, those loose str check or escape artist to move DC 15= 5' DC 20=10' DC 25=15' etc), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Invisibility, Invoke Cerulean Sign (30 spread, HD=2/L, 1 round each effect, Fort or HD>=L+10>=none, HD<=L+5 sickened -2 d20, HD<=L nauseated single move action. HD<=L-5 Dazed no action, HD<= L-10 stunned drops held no action -2 AC no dex) mark of varanth, Magic Missile, Remove Paralysis, Zone of Truth, Status, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Darkness, Heat Metal, Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Summon nature's ally II, Summon Swarm, 3rd Level Divine Spells Protection from Energy (10min/L, 12 damage/L), Magic Circle (10', 10 min/L), Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+ 1/L), Windwall ( range 100 + 10/L, 10/L x 5/L can be cylinder or rectangle), Lightning Bolt, Create Food and Water, Speak with Dead, Dispel Magic, Daylight, Plant Growth, Call lightning, Magic Fang, Spike Growth, Summon Nature's ally III 4th Level Divine Spells Spell Immunity (10 min/L, 4th level and lower, as spell resistance), Freedom of Movement (10 min/L), Cure Critical Wounds (4d8+11L), Death Ward, Restoration, Neutralize Poison, Ice Storm, Flame Strike, Spike Stones, Summon Nature's Ally IV 5th Level Divine Spells Revivify (1 round raise, no level loss, -1 hp), Wall of Stone (5' square per level 1 inch and 15hp/4L hardness 8, break DC 20+2 per inch/4L) Archivist Spells Prepared 4/6/6/5/3/2 (caster level 9 save 16+ spell level or 19+ spell level Illusion) 0 level Cure Minor Wounds x4 1st Cure Light Wounds, Summon Nature's Ally I, Entangle, Burning Hands, Night Shield, Obscuring Mist 2nd Silence, Web, Mirror Image, Summon Monster II, Hold Person, Cerulean Sign 3rd Magic Circle, Protection from Energy, Summon Nature's Ally 3, Spike Growth, Call Lightning 4th Spell Immunity, Cure Critical Wounds, Spike Stones 5th Wall of Stone, Revivify Illusionist Spell Book (caster level 12, restricted: conjuration and necromancy) 0 Level Arcane Spells all except conjuration & necromancy plus Silent Image (400+40/L, concentration) & Ventriloquism 1st Level Arcane Spells Minor Image (concentration +2 rounds, 400+40/L), Color Spray (p 210, will neg, 15' cone, stun 1 round or more), Charm Person, Magic Missile (100+ l0/L) Net of Shadows, Ebon Eyes, Repair Light Damage (1d8+1/L), Disguise Self, Shield (1 min/L, +4), Reduce Person, Identify (casting 1 hour, 100gp pearl), Sleep, Shocking Grasp, Alarm, Power Word: Fatigue (RD p 115, 25'+5/2L, <100hp, 5="prone," used="47)" used="50)">
Rock Gnome 12th character level, 3rd level Archivist, 3rd level Wizard (1st Gnome Illusionist Racial Sub. Level) 6th level Mystic Theurge (divine caster level 9, Arcane caster level 12 with Practiced Spell Caster)
Lawful (85) Good (94) Birth Date 892 Rhaan 12th
S 6 (-2)
D 10 (0)
C 16 (+3)/18(+4)
I 21/23 (+5 bonus spells 2/1/1/1/1)/(+6 bonus spells 2/2/1/1/1/1)
W 17 (+3 bonus spells 1/1/1)
Ch 11 (0)
AC 15/19G (+1 size +3 armor +1 ring) hp 94 (rolls 6,4,3,6,5,4,3,4,2,4,3,2) Speed 20'
Action Points 11 (2d6) Experience Points 73,933/78,000
Melee attack: dagger +2 (-2 str, -2 flaw, +1 size, +5 wiz,arch,mystic) damage 1d3-2 19-20/x2
+4 vs. kobolds and goblinoids
Missile attack: Crossbow or rays +4 (-2 flaw, + 1 size, +5 wiz"arch,mystic)
Fort + 11/+ 13 vs. illusion (+4 con, +3 Archivist, +1 Wizard, +2 Mystic Theurge, +1 Cloak)
Reflex +5/+7 vs. illusion (+ 1 Archivist, + 1 Wizard, +2 Mystic Theurge, + 1 Cloak)
Will + 15/+ 17 vs. illusion (+3 wisdom, +3 Archivist, +3 Wizard, +5 Mystic Theurge, + 1 Cloak)
Skills (48 points Archivist, 18 wizard, 39 Mystic Theurge)
Listen +5 (+3 wisdom +2 gnome 0 ranks)
Craft: Alchemy + 1 0 (+ 1 rank +6 int +2 gnome + 1 specialized)
Profession: Scribe +5 (+3 wisdom +1 rank +1 specialized)
Healing +7 (+3 wisdom +4 ranks)
Decipher script + 11 (+1 rank +6 int +2 archivist +2 Sivis Dragonmark)
Speak Language: Goblin (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Hide +8 (+4 small +4 ranks)
Speak Language: Orc (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Knowledge Nature + 11 (+5 ranks +6 int)
Knowledge Arcane +21 (+6 int + 15 ranks) Magical Beasts
Knowledge Dungeoneering + 16 (+6 int +10 ranks) Aberrations (2 cross class)
Knowledge Planes + 15 (+6 int +9 ranks) Outsiders and elementals (0 cross class)
Knowledge Religion +23 (+6 int +15 ranks +2 archivist) Undead
Concentration +19 (+4 con +15 ranks)
Spell craft +23 (+6Int +15 ranks +2 synergy w/ know. arcane)
Bluff +1 (1, rank, +0 char) 2 cross class
Swift Concentration (2 points) l/encounter maintain concentration as swift action
Collector of Stories (2 points) l/encounter +5 to know creature powers or vulnerabilities
Free- light armor and simple weapons
Free- Scribe Scroll
Flaw- Practiced Spell caster (caster level is as character level)
Flaw- Sivis Dragon Mark (comprehend languages l/day +2 decipher script)
1st Trivial Knowledge (2 dice rolls knowledge checks)
3rd Spell Focus: illusion
6th Improved Spell Focus
9th Touch of Healing (3hp/spelllevcl reserve cure in healing per round, 50% max)
12th Craft Wand (750gp x spell1cvel x class level)
Non-combatant (-2 melee)
Shaky (-2 ranged)
Specialized (+1 alchemy -2 all other crafts)
Specialized (+1 Scribe -2 all other professions)
Burrowing Mammal
Racial Abilities
Low light vision
Innate Spells (at wizard level due to 1st level gnome illusionist racial substitution level)
l/day 1st level Speak with (burrowing) Animals, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Class Features:
Dark Knowledge (4/day, move action, 60', 1 minute, know roll 15=+1 attack, 25=+2 attack, 35=+3 attack)
Shadow Shaper (hide is class skill but lose bonus feats)
Immediate Magic: Brief Figment int mod/day (immediate action, 1 mirror image, 1 round, but lose familiar) 1st level Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution level: Gnome Illusion Spells:
gnome gains wizard level as level of racial spell-like abilities and -1 spell level on the following spells 0/1st Silent Image, Ventriloquism; 1st/2nd Leomand's Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image; 3rd/4th Illusionary Wall; 4th/5th Persistent Image; 5th/6th Programmed Image
but gnome has penalty or -1 caster level on Transmutation spells (removed by Practiced Spell caster)
Archivist Prayer Book All Clerical
1st Level Divine Spells
Cure Light Wounds (ld8+5, will 1/2), Protection From Evil (1 min/L), Summon Monster I (25'+5/2L, I round, I round/L), Sanctuary, Hide From Undead, Resurgence (touch, 2nd save), Command, Summon Nature's Ally I (25'+5/2L, I round, I round/L, wolf), Entangle (400'+40/L, 40' radius, reflex for 1/2, move or held fast and DC20 strength or escape artist to move 1/2 un-entangled must save each round), Night Shield (+1 saves 6"'=+2 9"'=+3, negates magic missiles) Obscuring Mist (20' 20% miss 5', 50% miss 10+, I min/L), Burning Hands (15' cone, 5d4), Bless Water, Remove Fear, Good Berry, Pass without Trace. Hide from Animals, Repair Light Damage
2nd Level Divine Spells
Lesser Restoration (3 rounds, cures 1d4 removes reduction), Silence (400+40/L, 20'), Hold Person (100'+ l0/L, 1 round/L), Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+ 1/L), Summon Monster II (25'+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, no more than 30' apart) Shield Other (25'+5/2L, 1 hour/L, +1 AC & saves), Web (100+ l0/L, 20' radius, 10 min/L, reflex to get loose or stuck DC 20 str or 25 escape artist 2nd chance to get loose, those loose str check or escape artist to move DC 15= 5' DC 20=10' DC 25=15' etc), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Invisibility, Invoke Cerulean Sign (30 spread, HD=2/L, 1 round each effect, Fort or HD>=L+10>=none, HD<=L+5 sickened -2 d20, HD<=L nauseated single move action. HD<=L-5 Dazed no action, HD<= L-10 stunned drops held no action -2 AC no dex) mark of varanth, Magic Missile, Remove Paralysis, Zone of Truth, Status, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Bear's Endurance, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Darkness, Heat Metal, Spiritual Weapon, Resist Energy, Summon nature's ally II, Summon Swarm, 3rd Level Divine Spells Protection from Energy (10min/L, 12 damage/L), Magic Circle (10', 10 min/L), Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+ 1/L), Windwall ( range 100 + 10/L, 10/L x 5/L can be cylinder or rectangle), Lightning Bolt, Create Food and Water, Speak with Dead, Dispel Magic, Daylight, Plant Growth, Call lightning, Magic Fang, Spike Growth, Summon Nature's ally III 4th Level Divine Spells Spell Immunity (10 min/L, 4th level and lower, as spell resistance), Freedom of Movement (10 min/L), Cure Critical Wounds (4d8+11L), Death Ward, Restoration, Neutralize Poison, Ice Storm, Flame Strike, Spike Stones, Summon Nature's Ally IV 5th Level Divine Spells Revivify (1 round raise, no level loss, -1 hp), Wall of Stone (5' square per level 1 inch and 15hp/4L hardness 8, break DC 20+2 per inch/4L) Archivist Spells Prepared 4/6/6/5/3/2 (caster level 9 save 16+ spell level or 19+ spell level Illusion) 0 level Cure Minor Wounds x4 1st Cure Light Wounds, Summon Nature's Ally I, Entangle, Burning Hands, Night Shield, Obscuring Mist 2nd Silence, Web, Mirror Image, Summon Monster II, Hold Person, Cerulean Sign 3rd Magic Circle, Protection from Energy, Summon Nature's Ally 3, Spike Growth, Call Lightning 4th Spell Immunity, Cure Critical Wounds, Spike Stones 5th Wall of Stone, Revivify Illusionist Spell Book (caster level 12, restricted: conjuration and necromancy) 0 Level Arcane Spells all except conjuration & necromancy plus Silent Image (400+40/L, concentration) & Ventriloquism 1st Level Arcane Spells Minor Image (concentration +2 rounds, 400+40/L), Color Spray (p 210, will neg, 15' cone, stun 1 round or more), Charm Person, Magic Missile (100+ l0/L) Net of Shadows, Ebon Eyes, Repair Light Damage (1d8+1/L), Disguise Self, Shield (1 min/L, +4), Reduce Person, Identify (casting 1 hour, 100gp pearl), Sleep, Shocking Grasp, Alarm, Power Word: Fatigue (RD p 115, 25'+5/2L, <100hp, 5="prone," used="47)" used="50)">
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