The Journal of Dinnivan d'Sivis

This is an in character journal of a Dungeons and Dragons Eberron campaign known as "The Shattergate Cycle" as written by Dinnivan d'Sivis.

My Photo
Location: Urik, Dark Sun

I have been DMing off and on since 1979.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Journal Entries 998 Nhym 27th - Lharvion 3rd

998 Nhym 27th

While I was questing for the shrinking spell Vaegar and Zed sought out weapons wrought from exotic materials. Weapons that would be anathema to evil magical creatures. Vaegar purchased the dagger of a Cyran general and Zed acquired a goblinoid curved dagger forged from cold iron.

When the purchases were finalized, we followed a tip that our guide, Failin, was at an Inn by the name of the Clenched Fist. There we did indeed locate our human guide Failin. The confluence of spotting his Orien dragon mark, his drunken demeanor, his wretched state, and the fact that he was working in hobgoblin lands, led me to conclude that he was a pariah in his dragonmarked clan, an excoriate. I overstepped the bounds of social propriety by asking him if this indeed was the case. I apologized when it became clear that I had offended him but his reaction seemed to prove the veracity of my speculations. Failin set the fee for escorting us to Rose Quarry at five and fifty gold Sovereigns, which seemed to me an exorbitant sum for such a short excursion, even given that we are to have the luxury of riding in an elemental wagon.

As we exited Rhukaan Draal, two huge hirsute goblinoids accosted Failin. These bugbears accused Failin of swindling them in some way, and given Failin usurious rates, I tended to give the charges some credence. Although my sympathies were with the huge hairy goblins, we were forced to succor our guide. The stakes were far too high to allow any violence to our only guide to Rose Quarry. We quickly dispatched the two bugbears, one falling before the weapons of Zed and Vaegar and the firebolt spell of Elarin. The other fell before my illusionary rainbow cone spell. Fortunately the hobgoblin constabulary seemed to sanction and even enjoy this unnecessary violence. I saw no sense in slaying the stunned bugbear so we disarmed him and put Rhukaan Draal behind us.

998 Nhym 28th

Taking into consideration our proximity to the Mournland, this is turning out to be a very uneventful trip, praise the Host.

998 Lharvion 1st

My compatriots and I just fought off a platoon of deadly goblin crossbowmen mounted on ponies (12-16 perhaps). These little goblinoids were led by a dangerous looking hobgoblin mounted on a huge charger. This aforementioned goblinoid leader had the eye of the Dragon Below Cult cut into the flesh of his forehead. I suspect that the platoon of goblinoids has been tracking and/or following us since we left Rhukaan Draal. Fortuitously, we were near a stout stone bride when I spotted the goblinoid mounted infantry. My companions and I retreated to the far side of the bridge and used the elemental wagon as a rampart to close off access to our side of the riverbank. One small section of bridge was open but Zed stepped into the gap, well-warded by his mighty tower shield.

The goblins did not swarm after us as I had hoped but instead formed disciplined ranks and plied their deadly crossbows from the other side of the riverbank. If Zed had not been nigh invulnerable to their quarrels due to his impregnable adamantine “skin” and huge tower shield this gap would have ruined us. As for the rest of our company, including myself, we had little protection against the arrow storm. Vaegar, Elarin, and I sought cover where we might, be it huge oak, Zed’s warding shield, or the elemental wagon itself.

As we weathered the rain of quarrels, Elarin and I kept a withering barrage of magical energy on the mounted hobgoblin leader; Elarin with his deadly firebolt spell and myself with my wand of force missiles. It was only a few such magical volleys and the hobgoblin captain quitted the field of battle. Meanwhile Vaegar was providing a deadly coving fire with his crossbow and Zed stalwartly held the gap even though he had little to no ability to retaliate.

Although he ordered the little goblins to stay and put an end to us, their morale and resolve to fight was clearly wavering at the sight of their retreating leader. I sensed the moment was ripe and a sudden fierce blow might rout the entire band. I darted forward and cast my rainbow spell leaving three of the goblinoids insensate. The vicious little creatures retaliated with a deadly volley of bolts. Although I was merely nicked by the first brace of bolts, the last one sank deeply into my shoulder. I was forced to withdraw behind the giant oak tree to staunch the bleeding with a healing magic. Shortly afterward, the goblins began an organized withdrawal in the direction of their cowardly captain. They withdrew in very good order, including posting a small rearguard. I called for a charge on the rearguard and my compatriots eagerly attacked the goblin remnant. After a short but fierce skirmish, we destroyed the four goblins serving as rearguard.

The four of us chased after the pony-mounted goblins, screaming and shouting, in hopes that they would be too panicked to rally for a counter-attack. To assure myself of the goblin rout, I created an illusion of a flying beast which I had observed while visiting Sharn. I sent this illusion of an eagle-horse racing after them as if it might attack. I needn’t have bothered as it seemed the goblins were as eager to leave as we were to be rid of them.

998 Lharvion 2nd

We have arrived in Rose Quarry and it seems that, in haste, Lady Elaydren left out much intelligence that would have, subsequently, proved beneficial. First and foremost is that Rose Quarry is not an inhabited town at all but instead a desolate ruin. I thought to encounter potential allies at a Cannith outpost and instead we found an Emerald Claw raiding party, which included a number of skeletal undead warriors. Additionally the entire ruin of Rose Quarry was covered in glass, likely due to sand or stone melting on the Day of Mourning. The only inkling we had of Emerald Claw strength was that they had 15-20 mounts. The total number of undead was impossible to recon, though I counted six. Undead do not ride horses, at least not living ones.

With so little information, we felt it was advisable to send Vaegar ahead to reconnoiter after sunset when his dark vision would give him an advantage over the night-blind humans. In the meantime, we looked for a likely spot to secrete the wagon and await nightfall. We found a fine refuge for the wagon among piles of broken rocks, probably scree from the quartz quarry that gives the town its name. We then hunkered down and waited out the sunset, seizing what rest we might.

998 Lharvion 2nd late night

Vaegar just returned from his midnight reconnoiter. He provided us with a great deal of invaluable intelligence. The most crucial piece of intelligence was that there appears to be multiple leaders, including perhaps more than one spellbinder. Also critically important was that the Emerald Claw necromancers were employing black magic to imbue a mockery of life in the corpses of the hapless dwarven miners entombed in the ubiquitous glass. And as to our actual obective, Vaegar located the building containing the Cannith map that hides the secret of Whitehearth’s location. It seems that Vaegar will need to return to the building and “remove” the two Emerald Claw warriors guarding the mosaic so that he can get a closer look and divine the location of Whitehearth.

998 Lharvon 3rd morning

We have reached a consensus, it has been decided that we will all accompany Vaegar to the map area, at least as close as we may, lacking Vaegar’s stealth skills. We should be able to enter quite far into the ruin of Rose Quarry given that my spells will prevent the glass-clad dwarven zombies from detecting us. Also the humans tend to stay close to their encampment so we are unlikely to encounter them in darkest night.

998 Lharvion 3rd late night

Vaegar has returned from his mission to report complete success. Not only did his solve the riddle of Whitehearth’s location but he went undetected as well. Whitehearth is thirty miles in from the mist border on the southwest side of the hills of Cyre. Unfortunately he was forced to slay the two Emerald Claw guards but such is the natural conclusion to the path they chose for themselves. Now we need to quit Rose Quarry in haste and in stealth. Should the full strength of the Emerald Claw raiders fall upon us we would be lost. Though we might make them wish they had not caught us before we fell.

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Saturday, July 22, 2006

Dinnivan d’Sivis Tomebinder
Rock Gnome 4th character level, 2nd level Archivist, 2nd level Wizard (1st Gnome Illus. Racial Sub. level)
Lawful (84) Good (89)
S 6 (-2)
D 10 (0)
C 16 (+3)
I 19 (+4)
W 17 (+3)
Ch 11 (0)
AC 11 (15 to giants) hp 31 Speed 20’ Action Points 6 Experience Points 6,022
Melee attack: dagger -1 (-2 str, -2 flaw, +1 size, +2 BAB) damage 1d3-2 19-20/x2
0 vs. kobolds and goblinoids
Fort +6/+8 vs. illusion (+3 con, +3 Archivist)
Reflex 0/+2 vs. illusion
Will +9/+11 vs. illusion (+3 wisdom, +3 Archivist, +3 Wizard)
Skills (40 points Archivist 12 wizard)
Listen +5 (+3 wisdom +2 gnome 0 ranks)
Craft: Alchemy +8 (+1 rank +4 int +2 gnome +1 specialized)
Profession: Scribe +5 (+3 wisdom +1 rank +1 specialized)
Healing +7 (+3 wisdom +4 ranks)
Decipher script +9 (+1 rank +4 int +2 archivist +2 Sivis Dragonmark)
Speak Language: Goblin (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Hide +8 (+4 small +4 ranks)
Speak Language: Orc (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Knowledge Nature +9 (+5 ranks +4 int)
Knowledge Arcane +10 (+4 int +6 ranks) Magical Beasts
Knowledge Dungeoneering +10 (+4 int +6 ranks) Aberrations
Knowledge Religion +13 (+4 int +7 ranks +2 archivist) Undead
Knowledge Planes +10 (+4 int +6 ranks) Outsiders and elementals
Concentration +3 (+3 con +0 ranks)
Spell craft +11 (+4 Int +7 ranks)
Free- Scribe Scroll
Flaw- Augment Healing (+2 per spell level)
Flaw- Sivis Dragon Mark (comprehend languages 1/day +2 decipher script)
1st Trivial Knowledge (2 dice rolls knowledge checks)
3rd Spell Focus: illusion
Non-combatant (-2 melee)
Shaky (-2 ranged)
Specialized (+1 alchemy -2 all other crafts)
Specialized (+1 Scribe -2 all other professions)
Burrowing Mammal
Racial Abilities
Low light vision
Innate Spells (at wizard level due to 1st level gnome illusionist racial substitution level):
1/day 1st level Speak with (burrowing) Animals, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Class Features:
Dark Knowledge (3/day, move action, 60’, 1 minute, know roll 15=+1 attack, 25=+2 attack, 35=+3 attack)
Shadow Shaper (hide is class skill but lose bonus feats)
Immediate Magic: Brief Figment 4/day (immediate action, 1 mirror image, 1 round, but lose familiar)
1st level Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution level: Gnome Illusion Spells:
gnome gains wizard level as level of racial spell-like abilities and -1 spell level on the following spells 0/1st Silent Image, Ventriloquism; 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image; 3rd/4th Illusionary Wall; 4th/5th Persistent Image; 5th/6th Programmed Image
But has penalty or -1 caster level on Transmutation spells
Archivist Prayer Book
0 All Clerical
1st Cure Light Wounds, Protection From Evil, Summon Monster I, Sanctuary, Hide From Undead, Resurgence, Command, Summon Nature’s Ally I, Entangle, Night Shield, Obscuring Mist
Archivist Spells Prepared 4/4 (save 14+ spell level or 16+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Detect Poison, Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds x2
1st Entangle, Cure Light Wounds x3
Illusionist Spell Book (restricted: conjuration and necromancy, Transmutation caster at level -1)
0 all except conjuration & necromancy plus Silent Image & Ventriloquism
1st Minor Image, Color Spray, Charm Person, Magic Missile, Net of Shadows, Ebon Eyes (trans), Repair Light Damage (trans), Disguise Self, Identify, Reduce Person
Wizard (Illusionist) Spells Prepared (4/4 save 14+ spell level or 16+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Silent Image, Ventriloquism, Repair Minor Damage x2
1st Ebon Eyes (cast at level 1), Color Spray (Illus), Reduce Person (cast at level 1)x2
Light <=15, Medium <=30, Heavy <=45
Equipment (current 12 lbs)
Scholar’s outfit (worn) 0 lbs
Everburning shuttered lantern 2 lbs (carried)
Satchel 1.5
Map of Sharn 0 lbs
Traveling Papers 0 lbs
Potion of Mage Armor 0 lbs
4 Scrolls of Net of Shadows 0 lbs
Wand of Magic Missiles 0 lbs (charges unknown, 1 used)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (50 charges)
Wand of Repair Light Damage 0 lbs (50 charges)
Letter of Introduction from Morgrave University 0 lbs
Belt Pouch 1 lbs
2 gold pieces
8 silver pieces
10 copper pieces
Dagger 0.5 lbs
Spell Component Pouch 2 lbs
Heward’s Handy Haversack: Carried for Vaegar 5 lbs total
Main Pack: Max 80 lbs - size 8 cubic feet (used 79 lbs)
20 Sling Bullets (Zed) 10 lbs
100 arrows (Elarin) 10 lbs
110 bolts (Vaegar) 11 lbs
3 bedrolls 15 lbs
50 foot of silk rope 5 lbs
12 Days Rations 12 lbs
4 water skins 16 lbs
Magic Challice ?
Right Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 18 lbs)
Extra clothes/boots for Elaren 5 lbs
Extra clothes/boots for Vaegar 5 lbs
Dinnivan 2 Spell Books 6 lbs
Spell book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=33)
Prayer book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=22)
Broken Dagger 2 lbs
Ruby tipped Cannith Key (Whitehearth?) 0 lbs
Left Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 18.5 lbs)
Potions: 3 Holy waters & 3 cure Mod 2d8+5 - 0.5 lbs
An Ever Bright Lantern 3 lbs
Healer Kit 1 lbs
3 sacks 1.5 lbs
Pouch of 180 gp & Pouch 50pp 4.5 lbs
7 days of Iron Rations (Vaegar) 5 lbs
Letter of Credit pass to house Orien 0 lbs
Dinnivan’s Journal 3 lbs

Brief Personal History: Graduate of the Library of Korranberg’s College of Tabernacles (religion and philosophy). Scion of the Dragonmark House of Sivis. Worships the Sovereign Host with special focus on Aureon (LN god of law, knowledge, lore, and magic) and his wife Boldrei (LG godess of community, hearth, villages, homes, marriages, and government appointments)
Hair color- dark gray, Skin Color- light brown, thin arms and legs, small potbelly, Height 3’4’, Weight 46 lbs, Age 106

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Journal Entries 998 Nhym 7th-27th

998 Nhym 7th late afternoon Last Haven Inn

After we received our generous reward from Lady Elaydren of house Cannith, we retreated to the Last Haven Inn and debated on the most advantageous utilization of her largesse. After a lengthy discussion, we settled on the purchase of a mithril chain mail habergeon for Vaegar, 2 scrolls of the Shadownet spell for myself, a healing wand for all of us, and a wand of repairing for Zed. I will, of course, personally carry the wands but the group as a whole will retain ownership. The three of us also made a covenant with Elarin that we will purchase him a mithril chain shirt in the near future. After these purchases Vaegar, Zed, and Elarin divided the remnant of our specie. In the course of selling the ancient coins, I gained a critical contact at Morgrave University. His name is Provost Garum and he is a collector/aficionado of artifacts from Xendrick. I mentioned my interest in organizing an expedition to the Mournland to both Provost Garum and Lady Elaydren.

998 Nhym 15th

Strange events with ominous portent continue to pursue us. Someone appears to have performed an inverse pick pocketing to plant broken Dohkanni Empire dagger (made of the heavy violet metal called byshek) in Zed’s backpack. I can only assume that because the reverse pick pocket occurred during a rally of the heretical Cult of the Dragon Below that someone opposed to the cult placed it in Zed’s backpack. Perhaps it could be someone who is allied with the Gatekeeper druids?????????????

998 Nhym 22nd morning

Unusual events continue to plague us. We were on our way to Dorsharn Tower to check for messages from Lady Elaydren as we were instructed when we stumbled on a most distressing scene. When we arrived at Dorsharn Tower’s Sivis messaging service we found an unconscious young gnome woman. Furthermore the premises had been ransacked but we were later told by Gala d'Sivis, the gnome woman, that nothing was missing except our message from Lady Elaydren! I can only deduce that the Lord of Blades is somehow behind this as he continues to attempt to abscond the adamantine star-shaped schema we recovered for House Cannith. While the message was missing the youngster did recall that Lady Elaydren had requested our presence at the Broken Anvil Inn at once.

998 Nhym 22nd noon

Once again we rendezvoused with Lady Elaydrin at the Broken Anvil Inn. That is the extent of the similarities with our previous clandestine meetings at the Broken Anvil. Lady Elaydrin was clearly agitated and refused to engage in protracted economic negotiations. She thrust a backpack at us along with two travel vouchers, one for water travel with House Lyrander and one for air travel with House Orien. We were later to discover that the backpack was a near priceless magical artifact whose compartments were actually linked extra-dimensional spaces outside our own reality! A princely gift indeed! Lady Elaydren bade us to leave immediately for Whitehearth in the Mournland, something we were loathe to do given that we were totally unprepared and unaware of any need for haste. Once again Lady Elaydren bade us to seek out an adamantine schema. This though in the shape of a rhombus or diamond rather than a star. Before we could get to the whys and wherefores of the need for haste, we were ambushed by a small band of reptilian kobolds. Presumably the very same kobolds that vandalized the Sivis messaging depot.

Lady Elaydren’s terror led me to the conclusion that these kobold assassins had come for her and were the very cause for the above mentioned haste. I feared for Lady Elaydren’s safety and I joined Vaegar and Zed in engaging the enemy at close quarters something I am normally loathe to do. I was unable to do anymore than distract the kobolds with my spells, at first, but I did keep them from Lady Elaydrin which was my true objective. Shortly after the initial rush, their leader, a warforged named Cutlass drove into the melee clearly intending harm to Lady Elaydren. Zed closed with Cutlass and they dueled in a furious exchange of clashing swords. Vaegar and I focused our lesser combat skills on his kobold henchmen and made short work of them. My illusionary rainbow spell left two kobolds insensate and Vaegar slew the rest. Elarin remain with Lady Elaydren to ward her and pounded Cutlass from a distance with his searing firebolt spell. Once again Zed proved his powerful design superior to that of the Lord of Blades’ war forged by cleaving through Cutlass’ adamantine armor with a few powerful blows, thus leaving Cutlass deactivated, though not destroyed. After our victory, we discovered that Lady Elaydren disappeared in a cloud of mist. We allowed the insensate kobolds to escape as I could guess what fate would await them should they have the temerity to return to their masters with nothing to report but abject failure. Given that Cutlass was deactivated, we brought him back to our home base at the Last Haven Inn. We had thought to question him and glean some understanding of the Lord of Blades’ purposes behind all this intrigue.

998 Nhym 22nd afternoon Last Haven Inn

It may be a paranoia born of this endless intrigue but we all have the feeling that we are being watched. In all likelihood we are being spied upon by agents of the Lord of Blades, or those of the Emerald Claw, or a renegade Cannith as Lady Elaydren seems to suspect, or perhaps even the Cult of the Dragon Below. Or the Host only knows, perhaps all three!!! In any case we need to get out of Sharn before events spiral out of control……

998 Nhym 26th aboard the Lyrander elemental Galleon, the Kraken’s Eye

The voyage that began as a peaceful reprieve from our trials and travails turned frighteningly macabre. Whilst we slept in our comfortable cabins someone, perhaps agents of the Emerald Claw, debarked a small unit of animated skeleton marines onto our elemental galleon. These undead warriors surprised the crew and would have butchered them all if not for the timely intervention of the Lyrander guards. Fortunately the cacophony of screams and cries woke us (myself last of all) and we rushed up on the deck to lend what aid we might. And twas good that we did so, for the Lyrander guards were getting the worst of it and would likely have been slain to a man, if not for our timely interference. Zed waded into the furious melee and gave some reprieve to the hard pressed guardsmen near the prow. Upon arrival I shouted at the top of my voice that skeletons are vulnerable to blunt weapons and can be easily overcome by cleaving the spine or crushing the skull. Vaegar had engaged the skeletons near the hatch and was clearly in control of the situation thus Elarin and I then rushed forward to support Zed. This was not as foolhardy as it may have seemed to the others because I know of another vulnerability shared by all undead: healing magic. Their necromantic negative-energy metabolism is easily destroyed by the application of the positive healing magic of the Sovereign Host. Thus my healing prowess simultaneously warded Zed and de-animated the ossiferous undead. Elarin supported us with covering fire from his undead slaying ray (which operates under principles similar to my healing magic). With the four of us united against the skeletons remaining on the bow, they were quickly overwhelmed and reduced to splinters. Now we are left with a mystery: who sent the skeletal assassins and how did they get aboard our ship? If they did so once, they can do it again, perhaps in even greater numbers………

998 Nhym 27th Rhukaan Draal, Droam (independent hobgoblin kingdom)

I have resolved the most critical concern dealing with an expedition to the Mournland: healing. It is said that neither normal healing nor magical healing functions within the Mournland. I have just learned a spell from a hobgoblin spell binder that will allow me to shrink my two living allies. This will allow myself and either Vaegar or Elarin to enter the enchanted backpack together. Given that the backpack’s inside is actually on alternate plane of existence, a pocket universe if you will, and the curse of the Mournland should not hold sway, thus allowing me to use the healing powers granted me by the sovereign host. It would probably be wise for us to test this theory when we actually enter the Mournland, well before it becomes a matter of life or death.

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