The Journal of Dinnivan d'Sivis

This is an in character journal of a Dungeons and Dragons Eberron campaign known as "The Shattergate Cycle" as written by Dinnivan d'Sivis.

My Photo
Location: Urik, Dark Sun

I have been DMing off and on since 1979.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Pazenga level 8 (level 6 monk)

Pazenga – Githzerai 8th Level Char/6th level Monk LG (86 pts L - 94 pts G); DOB Vult/15/977YK (12/15/06) Updated 04/25/07
6’ 5", 154 lbs, Yellowish skin-Reddish Brown Hair, Gray Eyes, Age 20, Exp Pts 30,753+ (-480EP for 5HP) (-0 EP used for game action)
Patron Deity: None - Group Name: The Honor Guard – Game date: Sypheros 20th 998YK
Hit Points 62 (1d8, +3 Con) (rolls-8, 7, 8, 7, 6, 8)
Armor Class 31 (+7 Dex & +5 Wis AC Bonus, +4 Inertial Armor Psonic AC Bonus, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +2 Monk belt, +2 Ring)
AC 31 – Attack of Opportunity (+7 Dex & +5 Wisdom AC, +4 Inertial Armor Psonic AC, +1 Amulet, +2 Monk belt, +2 Ring)
AC 24 – Flat Footed (+5 Wisdom Char AC Bonus, +4 Inertial Armor Psonic AC Bonus, +1 Amulet, +2 Monk belt, +2 Ring)
Touch AC 27 (+7 Dex & +5 Wisdom Char AC Bonus, +1 Amulet of Natural Armor, +2 Monk belt, +2 Ring)
Monk Belt – Add 5 level to Monk Level to the Unarmed Damage & AC Bonus from the monk table on p40 plus 1extra stunning fist per day.
Str 11 (+0)
Dex 24 (+7)(roll 17 +6 Char Bonus, +1 Bonus at 4th Level Monk)
Con 16 (+3)
Int 10 (+0) (roll 12 -2 Char Bonus)
Wis 21 (+5) (roll 17 +2 Char Bonus) (Perapt of Wisdom +2)
Char 10 (0)
Dark vision up to 60’
Light Cross Bow: attack +11 (+4 BAB, + 7 dex) Damage 1d8 (Crit 19-20/x2) P Attack
Range 80 ft no penalty; up to 160 ft is a –2 penalty; up to 240 ft is a –4 penalty; up to 320 ft is –6, penalty, up to 800 ft with a –18 penalty
Unarmed Attack: Full attk +11 (+4 BAB, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 1d10 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/ x2 - Blunt Attack
(Note have 8 Stunning Fist per day DC 17 – Also can use one of my Stuns for Weakening Touch Feat)
Flurry of Blows 1st Attack +10 (+3 Flurry Attk Bonus, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 1d10 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/x2 – Blunt Attack
Flurry of Blows 2nd Attack +10 (+3 Flurry Attk Bonus, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 1d10 (w/monk belt), Crit 20/x2 – Blunt Attack
Dagger: Full attack +11 (+4 BAB, +7 Weapon Finesse Feat) Damage 1D4 Crit 19-20/x2 - P/S Attack
Initiative: +7 Dex
Movement: - 50 (If stay Light Encumbrance Bonus of 10ft at 3rd Level Monk and at 6th Level Monk)
Normal (2xbase)-100 Run (5xbase)-250 Combat (Base)-50
SAVES: Note Spell Resistance DC11 against magic spells (DC = Monk Level +5)
Fortitude +9 (+5 base, +3 con, +1 Cloak Resistance)
Reflex +13 (+5 base, +7 dex, +1 Cloak Resistance)
Will +11, +13 (+5 base, +4 wis, +1 Cloak Resistance) (+2 Still Mind against spell saving throws from school of enchantment effecting mind attacks. p 41)(+1 from the Periapt of Wisdom +2 )
SKILLS: 32 (4pts when level up as Monk) p. 66-86
Balance +11 (+2 ranks, +7 dex, AC penalty, Synergy +2 Tumble) Concentration +3 (+1 ranks, +3 con)
Climb +1 (+1 ranks*, +0 str, -0 armor chk penalty) Escape Artist+7 (+0 ranks*, +7dex, 0 armor chk penalty)
Hide +15 (+7 rank, +7 dex, -0 armor check penalty, +1 Cloak if in dark) - Synergy +2 if ropes are used
Jump +7 (+5 ranks, +0 str, -0 armor chk penalty, Synergy +2 Tumble) Languages Common +0 (+0.5 ranks)
Listen +6 (+1 ranks, +5 wis) Languages Daelkyr +0 (+0.5 ranks)
Move Silent +16 (+9 ranks, +7 dex, 0 armor check penalty) Languages Under Common +0 (+0.5 ranks)
Sense Motive +5 (+0 ranks, +5 wis) Ride +7 (+0 ranks, +7dex)
Search +0 (+0 ranks, +0 int) Swim +0 (+0 ranks, +0 str)
Spot +6 (+1 ranks, +5 wis) Use rope +8 (+1 ranks*, +7 dex)
Tumble +14 (+5 ranks, +7 Dex, Synergy +2 Jump) NOTE: * ranks I want to get to 5 ranks for synergy p 66
8 left out of 8 Action Points – (Base 5 and plus 1 every even level, reset at next level lose unused action points)
(Note: If need Feat of Foot use an action point - Complete Warrior p 99)
Psionics Power 3/Day Note Cast Inertial Armor Spell every morning
Daze (DC 10) - p. 217 - can daze up to 4HD for one round.
Feather Fall - p. 229 - up to 60 feet 1 round worth of fall no damage/ or runs out and start the falling damage from that point
Shatter (DC 12) - p. 278
Inertial Armor Spell - p. 113 Psionics Handbook – AC bonus of +4.

Equipment: Light 38 lbs, Medium 76 lbs & Heavy 115 lbs – (Note 50 coins equal 1lb)
Amulet of Natural Armor +1, Monk Belt(color is black with Red Rune on it), +2 Ring, Periapt of Wisdon +2, Light Cross Bow (4lbs), 22 Bolts (2.2lb), Back Pack (2lbs), +1 Cloak of Resistance & Dark Weave Cloak (+1 Hide in Shadows or Darkness) (2lbs), Cloak (1lbs), Blanket (2lbs), Bag of Holding (15lbs), Survival kit – (small knife, flint & steel, wet stone, 10 candle, 5 chalk, pitch, dry kindling, tiny vial of oil, fishing hook and line, rock candy, (2.5lbs), In Pouch 4 Vial Cure Moderate 2D8 + 3 6 Vial Cure Moderate 2D8 +5 (1.0lbs), small belt bag with 6 gp and 14 sp (.4lbs).
Weight I’m carry is 32.1 lbs.
Upkeep Cost: my cost of living well is 45gp per month Living poor is 12gp per month.
Feats: (Note: Working on ? Feat –for 9th level Monk)
1st level Run –Can run 5 times my normal movement speed with light weight adjustment and keep my Dex bonus while running.
3rd level Weapon Finesse – May use Dexterity Modifier instead of Strength Modifier on attack rolls for light weapons. p. 102
6th Level Weakening Touch – Must declare at beginning of my turn. I must make an successful unarmed attack (if I miss the attempt has
failed). If I hit it is an unarmed attack that deals no damage, but instead applies a -6 penalty to the target strength score for one minute
Multiple weakening touches delivered on the same targer are not cumulative. Each attempt to deliver a weakening touch counts as one
of my stunning fist attacks for the day. Creatures with immunity to stun effects cannot be affected by this feat. Complete Warrior p 106.
Monk Feats:
AC Bonus, p40 – Add Wisdom bonus to AC is good against Touch Attack and Flat Footed.
Unarmed Strike p40 and Improved Unarmed Strike p96 – I’m considered arm when unarmed; do not provoke attacks of opportunity for
armed opponents when I attack them while unarmed. However I can get an attack of opportunity against any opponent who makes
an unarmed attack against me. Plus, I can deal lethal or non-lethal damage.
Flurry of Blows, p40 – get an extra attack at the highest attack role. See monk table for attack bonus.
Stunning Fist (DC16), p101 – Must Declare I’m using feat first, If I fail attack roll that ruins effect. If I hit opponent they make a fortitude
saving throw (DC10 + ½ Monk Leve + wisdom modifier) if failed stunned for 1 round. Stunned oppenten lose dex AC plus a
minus 2 AC penalty. Can use up to my monk level per day plus one every four levels, plus one from monk belt.
2nd level Monk EVASION: Can avoid even Magical and unusal attack with great agility by making a reflex saving throw against an attack that normally deals half damage for no damage if successful on my saving throw.
2nd level Monk Combat Reflexes, p. 92 – One plus Dex Bonus on number of attack opportunity I can take (8) can also attack opportunity flat footed.
3rd level Monk STILL MIND – Get a +2 against spell saving throws from school of enchantment effecting mind attack. p. 41
4th level Monk KI STRIKE – unarmed attk are treated as Magic Weapons for purpose of Dealing Damage to creature w/ Damage Reduction.
4/6th level Monk SLOW FALL – within arm reach of a wall can use it to slow my descent. Take Damage if fall were 30’ shorter than actual.
5th Level Monk PURITY OF BODY – Immunity to all Diseases except for Supernatural & Magical Diseases.
6th Level Monk Bonus Feat IMPROVED TRIP P 96 & 158 – Does Not provoke attack of opportunity when attempting to trip while unarmed
I gain a +4 bonus to Strength Check to Trip. My Str Check is opposed by Defenders Dex or Str check (whichever is higher). Bonus on
size difference and more than two legs. If I trip then I get an immediate melee attack against them being prone -4 to AC and they take a
move action to stand up. If I lose the opposed roll the defender may take an immediate trip str check against my Dex or Str roll.
Githzerai, Poor Common Tongue, Poor Daelkyr and Poor Under Common
Companions Traveling I joined at Haunted House on Rhann 22th 998YK:
Elanir - Elf (Jim F.) joined at beginning on Mnhy 2nd 998YK
Dinnivan - Gnome (Keith) - joined at beginning on Mnhy 2nd 998YK
Bryanna – Gnome Dinnivan Wife (Keith) – Joined on wedding day Sypheros 1st 998 YK
Zed War forged (Gerald) – joined at beginning on Mnhy 2nd 998YK
Companions Left or Died:
Bag of Holding for 15 lbs (Max 250 lbs) – 149.7 lbs
4 water skins 16lbs Magic Chain Shirt +1 30lbs???
Bedroll (Pazenga) 05lbs Magic Bastard Sword p31 06lbs
6 Days Irons Rations 05lbs Magic +1 Frost Bastard Sword 06lbs
6 Days Rations 06lbs Magic +1 Breast Plate 30lbs
140 Cross Bolts (Pazenga) 14lbs 2-Pouch of 201 pp 04lbs
140 arrows (Elanir) 14lbs
50 foot of silk rope 05lbs
Extra cloths/boots for (Elanir) 05lbs
Potion of Anti Toxic 0.1lbs p.23 Whitehearth in the field of battle
31 Vial Cure Moderate 2D8 +5 3.1lbs In a small bag.
2 Vail of Fire resistance 0.2lbs
3 Vails of Holy waters 0.3lbs

Our Driver Falin has a +1 Magic Leather Armor we loan him to keep him safe.
On Falin Wagon:
3 Chain Sword (8lbs ea) 2 small Composite Short Bow 79 arrows 8lbs
5 Heavy Crossbows (8lbs ea) 4 composite Long Bows 80 arrows 8lbs
2 Light Cross Bows (4lbs ea) 4 Banded Mail Armor
6 Long Swords (4lbs ea)

2 vials of White Milky substance say using intraoration? P14 or 114?
Master Work Heavy Sheild 15lbs Small Dragon Skull Giant teeth/Dragon Necklace p31
Master Work Breast Plate 30lbs 3 - 3ft cube of metal (100 lbs ea) 6 iron Coffets containing 2,100 gp & 500 Sp
Many books and journal p 31 of keep 567 gp from bag in keep Nice Gold Necklace
Nice cloak needs cleaning Notes of promise that have expired 10 Bug Healing Potions? 01lbs

Exp pts to Level up to:
2nd Level Monk needs 6,000 3rd Level Monk needs 10,000 4th Level Monk needs 15,000 5th Level Monk needs 21,000
6th Level Monk needs 28,000 7th Level Monk needs 36,000 8th Level Monk needs 45,000 9th Level Monk needs 55,000
10th Level Monk needs 66,000 11th Level Monk needs 78,000 12th Level Monk needs 91,000 13th Level Monk needs 105,000
Dragon Head and Wings Buried at Drumland Ferry.
In Castle Dinnivan is taking over
Buried a Metal 3 foot Cube of something (100lbs)
20 Sling Bullets of Zed 10lbs
An Ever Bright Lantern 03lbs
2 Bedroll (Dinnivan & Bryanna) 10lbs
Bedroll (Elanir) 05lbs

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Saturday, April 21, 2007

Dinnivan level 9

Dinnivan d’Sivis Tomebinder
Rock Gnome 9th character level, 3rd level Archivist (cast as level 6), 3rd level Wizard (1st Gnome Illus. Racial Sub. Level, cast as level 9 except transmutation as caster level 8) 3rd level Mystic Theurge
Lawful (84) Good (94) Birth Date 892 Rhaan 12th
S 6 (-2)
D 10 (0)
C 16 (+3)/18(+4)
I 20 (+5 bonus spells 2/1/1/1/1)
W 17 (+3 bonus spells 1/1/1)
Ch 11 (0)
AC 15/19G (+1 size +3 armor +1 ring) hp 64 (rolls 6,4,3,6,5,4,3,4,2) Speed 20’Action Points 9 (2d6)
Experience Points 36,069/45,000
Melee attack: dagger +0 (-2 str, -2 flaw, +1 size, +3 wiz,,arch,mystic) damage 1d3-2 19-20/x2
0 vs. kobolds and goblinoids
Missile attack: Crossbow or rays +2 (-2 flaw, +1 size, +3 wiz,,arch,mystic)
Fort +9/+11 vs. illusion (+4 con, +3 Archivist, +1 Wizard, +1 Mystic Theurge)
Reflex +3/+5 vs. illusion (+1 Archivist, +1 Wizard, +1 Mystic Theurge)
Will +12/+14 vs. illusion (+3 wisdom, +3 Archivist, +3 Wizard, +3 Mystic Theurge)
Skills (48 points Archivist, 18 wizard, 20 Mystic Theurge)
Listen +5 (+3 wisdom +2 gnome 0 ranks)
Craft: Alchemy +9 (+1 rank +5 int +2 gnome +1 specialized)
Profession: Scribe +5 (+3 wisdom +1 rank +1 specialized)
Healing +7 (+3 wisdom +4 ranks)
Decipher script +10 (+1 rank +5 int +2 archivist +2 Sivis Dragonmark)
Speak Language: Goblin (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Hide +8 (+4 small +4 ranks)
Speak Language: Orc (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Knowledge Nature +10 (+5 ranks +5 int)
Knowledge Dungeoneering +14 (+5 int +9 ranks) Aberrations
Knowledge Planes +14 (+5 int +9 ranks) Outsiders and elementals
Knowledge Arcane +17 (+5 int +12 ranks) Magical Beasts
Knowledge Religion +19 (+5 int +12 ranks +2 archivist) Undead
Concentration +15 (+3 con +12 ranks)
Spell craft +19 (+5 Int +12 ranks +2 synergy w/ know. arcane)
Free- light armor and simple weapons
Free- Scribe Scroll
Flaw- Augment Healing (+2 per spell level)
Flaw- Sivis Dragon Mark (comprehend languages 1/day +2 decipher script)
1st Trivial Knowledge (2 dice rolls knowledge checks)
3rd Spell Focus: illusion
6th Leadership
9th Practiced Spell Caster (up to +4 on caster level for wizard class)
Non-combatant (-2 melee)
Shaky (-2 ranged)
Specialized (+1 alchemy -2 all other crafts)
Specialized (+1 Scribe -2 all other professions)
Burrowing Mammal
Racial Abilities
Low light vision
Innate Spells (at wizard level due to 1st level gnome illusionist racial substitution level):
1/day 1st level Speak with (burrowing) Animals, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Class Features:
Dark Knowledge (4/day, move action, 60’, 1 minute, know roll 15=+1 attack, 25=+2 attack, 35=+3 attack)
Shadow Shaper (hide is class skill but lose bonus feats)
Immediate Magic: Brief Figment 4/day (immediate action, 1 mirror image, 1 round, but lose familiar)
1st level Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution level: Gnome Illusion Spells:
gnome gains wizard level as level of racial spell-like abilities and -1 spell level on the following spells 0/1st Silent Image, Ventriloquism; 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image; 3rd/4th Illusionary Wall; 4th/5th Persistent Image; 5th/6th Programmed Image
But has penalty or -1 caster level on Transmutation spells
Archivist Prayer Book
0 All Clerical
1st Cure Light Wounds (1d8+7, will ½), Protection From Evil (1 min/L), Summon Monster I (25’+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L), Sanctuary, Hide From Undead, Resurgence (touch, 2nd save), Command, Summon Nature’s Ally I (25‘+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, wolf), Entangle (400’+40/L, 40‘ radius, reflex for ½ move or held fast and DC20 strength or escape artist to move ½, unentangled must save each round), Night Shield (+1 saves 6th=+2 9th=+3, negates magic missiles) Obscuring Mist (20‘), Burning Hands (15’ cone, 5d4)
2nd Lesser Restoration (3 rounds, cures 1d4 removes reduction), Silence (400+40/L, 20‘), Hold Person (100‘+10/L, 1 round/L), Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+1/L+4), Summon Monster II (25’+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, no more than 30’ apart, celestial bombardier beetle or celestial giant bee), Shield Other (25‘+5/2L, 1 hour/L, +1 AC & saves), Web (100+10/L, 20‘ radius, 10 min/L, reflex to get loose or stuck DC 20 str or 25 escape artist 2nd chance to get loose, those loose str check or escape artist to move DC 15= 5’ DC 20=10’ DC 25=15’ etc), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Invisibility
3rd Protection from Energy (10min/L, 12 damage/L), Magic Circle(10’, 10min/L), Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+6+1/L), Windwall ( range 100 +10/L, 10/L x 5/L, can be cylinder or rectangle)
Archivist Spells Prepared 4/5/5/4 (save 15+ spell level or 17+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Cure Minor Wounds x4
1st Obscuring Mist, Cure Light Wounds, Summon Nature’s Ally I, Entangle, Burning Hands
2nd Silence, Web, Mirror Image, Summon Monster II, Hold Person
3rd Magic Circle, Protection from Energy, Cure Serious Wounds, Windwall
Illusionist Spell Book (restricted: conjuration and necromancy, Transmutation caster at level -1)
0 all except conjuration & necromancy plus Silent Image (400+40/L, concentration) & Ventriloquism
1st Minor Image (concentration +2 rounds, 400+40/L), Color Spray (p 210, will neg, 15‘ cone, min stun 1 round), Charm Person, Magic Missile (100+10/L) Net of Shadows, Ebon Eyes (trans), Repair Light Damage (trans. 1d8+1/L-1), Disguise Self, Shield (1 min/L, +4), Reduce Person, Identify (casting 1 hour, 100gp pearl), Sleep, Shocking Grasp, Alarm, Power Word: Fatigue (RD p 115, 25‘+5/2L, <100hp, 1st -2 str&dex no run/charge, 2nd half speed -6 str&dex),
2nd Phantasmal Assailants (SC 25‘+5/2L, 8/4 wis&dex, 1st will 2nd fort), Flaming Sphere (reflex neg, 100+10/L, 30‘round, 1 round/L), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Bull’s Strength (1 min/L), Resist Energy (10 min/L, -10 energy), Vertigo (PHB2 127, will neg, 25+5/2L, 1 round/L, no spell resistance, DC 10 balance fail by 5=prone, -2 attack and save, airborne +4 will & no balance), Snowball Swarm (SC p194, 2d6 reflex ½, 100’+10/L, 10’ burst), Levitate (25+5/2L, 100#/L, 1 min/L, -1/attack, 20‘ round), Protection from Arrows (1 hour/L, 10/magic, 10hp/L max),
3rd Displacement (1 round/L) , Slow (will neg, 25+5/2L, 1 round/L, within 30, ½ move, -1 AC attack save), Fireball (400‘+40/L, 20‘), Vertigo Field (100+10/L, 20’, 1 round/L, 20% miss, difficult terrain=double cost, Fort save each round or nauseated 1 round once only), Prismatic Mist (100+10/L, 30’ radius, 1 min/L, no spell resistance, 1: 1d4 fire 2: 1d6 acid 3: 1d8 electric 4: 1d4 str fort neg 5: slow 1 round will neg 6: confusion 1-10 normal 21-50 nothing 51-70 flee 71-100 attack nearest 7: dazed 1 round will neg 8: roll twice)
Wizard (Illusionist) Spells Prepared (5/6/5/4 save 15+ spell level or 17+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Silent Image, Repair Minor Damagex4
1st Color Spray , Magic Missile, Repair Light Damage, Shield, Power Word: Fatigue x2
2nd Phantasmal Assailants (Illus), Flaming Sphere, Vertigo, Levitate, Protection from Arrows
3rd Displacement, Slow, Fireball, Prismatic Mist
Encumbrance/Equipment (current 9)
Light <=15, Medium <=30, Heavy <=45
Spell Component Pouch 2 lbs.
Flame Touched Red Iron Holy Symbol 0 lbs
Scholar’s outfit (worn) 0 lbs
Everburning shuttered lantern 2 lbs (carried)
Bracers of Armor +3 (worn)
Amulet of Health +2 (worn)
Heward’s Handy Haversack: 5 lbs total
Main Pack: Max 80 lbs - size 8 cubic feet (used 77.75 lbs or 75.75 lbs)
2 suits of banded mail 70 lbs
Dagger 0.5 lbs
Eberron Dragonshard (20 spell levels) 0 lbs
Coins in sack: 3.25 lbs
96 platinum pieces
55 gold pieces
3 silver pieces
10 copper pieces
Staff of Life 2 charges 2 lbs Bryanna
Unknown magic pearl
Potion of Mage Armor 0 lbs
Red potion Whitehearth p23
2 potions from haunted mansion basement
Right Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 19.5 lbs)
Dinnivan 2 Spell Books 6 lbs
Spell book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=47)
Prayer book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=50)
Letter of Credit to house Orien 0 lbs
Hobgoblin spell book 3 lbs (1st-Level Spells Magic missile, shocking grasp, alarm, grease, mage armor, shield, sleep 2nd-Level Spells Ghoul Touch, Blindness/deafness, Web, Bull's Strength, Mirror Image 3rd-Level Fireball, Haste)
Dinnivan’s Journal 3 lbs
Letter of Introduction from Morgrave University 0 lbs
Scrolls (divine): 0 lbs
Bull’s Strength
Cat’s Grace
Bear’s Endurance
Scorching Ray
See Invisibility
Heat Metal
Spiritual Weapon
Resist Energy
Scrolls (arcane):
3 Net of Shadows
Unknown scroll
Invisibility x2,
Summon Monster 4
Deed to castle 0lbs
Map of Sharn 0 lbs
Traveling Papers 0 lbs
Deed to castle 0 lbs
1 bedrolls 5 lbs
Glamour Weave courtier outfit 2.5 lbs
Left Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 20 lbs)
Wand of Dawn Burst (50 charges CM 101)
Wand of Magic Missiles L1(48 charges)
Wand of Magic Missiles L5 (14 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (45 charges) gift to Bryanna
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (48 charges)
Wand of Repair Light Damage 0 lbs (27 charges)
Wand of Shield Other 0 lbs (30 charges level 3)
Wand of Ebon Eyes (50 charges)
Wand of Net of Shadows (49 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Staff of Healing (50) gift to Bryanna
Healer Kit 1 lbs
140 arrows for Elarin 14 lbs.
1 bedroll 5 lbs
Brief Personal History: Dinnivan’s parents (Filgin and Dolra) were moderately wealthy members of the dragon marked house Sivis prior to the inception of the last war. In the early years of the Last War Dinnivan’s parents served under a number of flags as a primary means of communication with the front lines. Their ultimate goal was to serve as a communication conduit between the various members of the Galfarian royal family in hopes that the war might end through negotiation, and this was how much of their time was spent, especially in their later years. Realistically such communication was employed to create and dissolve alliances and did little to bring the conflict to a conclusion, and perhaps even lengthened it. When Dinnivan was conceived, the gnome couple withdrew from involvement in the conflict in order to raise their son safely in Korranburg. However, as soon as Dinnivan was old enough to enter studies in the Korranburg Library, his parents resumed serving various members of the Galfarian royal family as communication specialists. This went on for a number of years during which Dinnivan graduated from the Library of Korranberg’s College of Tabernacles (religion and philosophy) and was retained to serve as assistant librarian. Dinnivan rarely saw his parents but they wrote him frequently. A week prior to the Day of Mourning Dinnivan received a letter from his parents telling him that they were in Cyre working for its Queen and that they would be coming home for a visit in two weeks. That was the last Dinnivan heard from his parents and therefore Dinnivan assumes they were slain in the Mourning. Furthermore nearly all of the family wealth disappeared with them. When the Last War finally ended Dinnivan decided to fulfill a life long dream and travel to Sharn to train under the House Phairlan illusionists.
Faith: Worships the Sovereign Host with special focus on Aureon (LN god of law, knowledge, lore, and magic) and his wife Boldrei (LG goddess of community, hearth, villages, homes, marriages, and government appointments)
Hair color- dark gray, Skin Color- light brown, thin arms and legs, small potbelly, Height 3’4’, Weight 46 lbs, Age 106
Wands to Purchase
Wand of Entangle, Wand of Power Word: word of fatigue, Wand of Bull’s strength, Wand of Invest Light Protection, Wand of power word pain
Feat Plans
9th level Craft Wand
12th Improved Spell Focus: illusion*
15th Elven Spell Knowledge
18th Draconic Archivist
21st Magic of the Land
Skill Plans
Bluff 4 ranks (level 17)
Use Magic Device 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ spell craft to decipher spell scrolls)
Decipher Script 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device involving scrolls)
Spell craft * ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device check when one rank in it)
Cleric Spells to learn from Cannith Scrolls: Repair Light Damage, Repair Minor Damage, Insight Of Good Fortune, Cloud of Knives, Wall of Fire (Fire Domain 4th)
New Spells to Learn at Korranseburg Library:
Power Word: Fatigue RD 115, Power Word: Pain RD116, Power Word: Sicken RD116, Dawnburst Dark Way (SC p58 for scrolls only)CM 101, Karmic Aura CM 108, Karmic Backlash CM 109, Truecasting CM 121, Dragon Eye Rune DM 66, Path of Frost DM 71, Soul of Order DM 73. Dark Way (SC p58 for scrolls only), Jet of Steam CM, Boiling Blood CM, Luminous Swarm CM, Spells for illusionist (restricted: conjuration and necromancy) True Strike, Feather Fall, Dispelling Touch, 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image;
Adept Spells for Archivist:
Level 3 spells
S. O. P.
1. When leaving dungeon Paz scouts exit to check for ambush.
2. If DM rolls attack roll and damage at same time Din will use immediate figment for every attack unless otherwise noted

Saturday, April 14, 2007

17th Sypheros by Pazenga the githzerai

The follwing is a narrative written by my friend and comrade Pazenga the githzerai martial artist. I requested that he pen his experiences escorting Kaitlin to the Deneith Blademarks and that is what follows.

-Dinnivan d'Sivis

We decided to split up the group because, I, Pazenga felt the woman would never make it on her own. It was decided that with my running ability I could catch back up with the group in 3 to 4 days time. We set out and the woman was still not comfortable riding with me on the wagon.

For the first few hours we did not see anything and I thought I saw a couple of patrols off in the distance but they never came after us being only a single wagon or thinking I was one of them. We met a small patrol on the road of 5 hobgoblins. The lady pulled up the wagon a 100 feet before them. I got out and walk to the front. The lead hobgoblin called out a challenge and the other four knelt down behind him. I was thinking this was a trick so I walked slowly up to him. We was waving around his blade probably to look tough and it made me a little concerned. He seemed to let me attack first and the other four stayed on their knees. So, I watched his blade and saw an opening and the fight began. He was light on his feet and his blade moved all around me and he was always on the move. He seemed to be going to my left to get around me so the others could get up and charge me. So, I kept moving to the wagon. I was able to land many punches doing little damage but it was adding up. After a few minutes of that dance he stopped and stepped back. He was saying that I was a worthy opponent and we could pass.

As I walked back to the wagon he knelt down in front of the other four and then they seemed to pray. I got back into the wagon and asked her about losing one of the chest of gold as we passed. But she said we could not because we had the exact amount of money to buy the warriors. The hobgoblins got up and moved away from the road two on one side and two on another. So we drove the wagon between them ready to run away. But just as we got to the point where they knelt a puff of smoke came up and caused the lady and horse to start gagging. They then fired crossbow bolts at us and I pushed the lady down into the wagon floor for cover. They then threw something that hit the wagon and all these metal pieces like insects started buzzing around me being a pain to my ability to fight. Also, it was leaving a taste of that metal we found when we carried it.

I then tumbled out of the wagon to the leader and was able to get in another good hit. He changed style and finally got his first hit on me. I went more on the defense and was not getting in as many hits but he no longer hit me. I finally had to run because the four hobgoblins looked to surround me. The leader chased me but they did not but they did shoot crossbow bolts at me with one hitting me for a minor wound. The leader could match my double and triple speed and I felt I was far enough away to make a final stand again. I stopped and battled him again. Once we started fighting the four hobgoblins went back to the wagon. The leader and I fought hard and fast with him hitting me only one more time and giving me a good cut. But I was able to get in a few hits too. Then he left me an opening for his throat and I was able to put in a good punch right through to his throat it was a killing punch.

I then ran back to the wagon where the hobgoblins were defiling the lady. I was able to take care of these four hobgoblins much easier. Once the battle was over I gave the lady a healing potion to make her better and I took two potions to heal my wounds too.

We decided to move the horse as fast as we could without killing them with both of us driving. We did not see any more patrols that were on the road. A few chased us but could not catch us. We headed where she was headed. Once she was safe I rested and then started back. I kept near the road trying to stay out of sight. I avoided several patrols but only saw hobgoblins and goblin raiders. I was spotted a couple of times and they chased me shooting crossbow bolts at me but I was able to out run them. I did not want to fight them thinking they would surround me and either kill or capture me. I only rested a few times to eat and get a few hours sleep before moving on. Then I caught up with you at the ford here. Other than that it was a nice ride and run in the country side.


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17th Sypheros

17th Sypheros late afternoon somewhere on the Rhest Trail

This sounds harsh even within the privacy of my own thoughts but we must develop a thick skin in this horrid war. Bryanna was almost slain because I feared for the safety of Cyran female human, a total stranger by the name of Kaitlin. Although I must admit to myself, if to no one else, the urgency of the mission was as much a consideration as was Kaitlin’s safety. I am no longer willing to take such extreme risks with our lives to win a war that is already lost.

Of course the situation began with our current dilema, that is the absence of our warforged champion Zed the swordmaster. Zed is off warding the refugees from Drenlin’s Ferry in their journey to New Cyre.

Pazenga the githzerai martial artist, Elarin our elven warrior-wizard, my beloved Bryanna the priestess of Boldrei, Shard her earth elemental familiar, Failin the House Orien teamster, and I were traveling on the Rest Trail planning to break the goblin blockade to the north. We heard screams in the distance, seemingly those of a human female. In the distance we spied an overturned wagon, a small band of goblins, and two huge and terrifying giants. Unlike ogres, their distant kin, it is unusual to see such creatures in Khorvaire so far from their native homeland of Xendrick. As our eyes focused we came to see that the giants had two heads EACH and a huge club in either hand. Ettins, I have read a little about such creatures and none of it made this situation look promising, except perhaps their stupidity.

We probably would have been wise to flee but instead, I paused for a few seconds to develop an impromptu plan that would give us a high certainty of victory with no casualties. I knew that if we all charged in the giants would dash up to pieces. I did not share my plans with the others as there was no time. I simply asked Pazenga if he was willing to face the giants alone with my magical support and if he was willing to serve as my steed if only for a few seconds. Paz, being the extremely courageous and trusting creature that he is readily agreed. Elarin cast a strength enhancing magic on Pazenga without questioning my intentions. Paz then scooped me up like a sack of grain and sprinted toward the giants leaving the Failin’s elemental wagon far behind. The giants spotted us and counter-charged falling right into my trap. As soon as they were within range I released my time-altering spell of slowing. Neither giant had the power to resist and thus they began to move as though wading through a deep swamp, except that the magic extended to their arms as well as their legs. Paz quickly placed me on the ground and I cast an illusion spell on the gith that would make his body appear to be a few feet removed from his actual location (much as fish are not actually where we think we see them due to a synergistic interaction of the magics of elemental water and elemental air). As soon as the illusion was cast I retreated out of the immediate danger, preparing to support or heal Pazenga as need be. While all this was going on Elarin began a long range bombardment with his acid missile spell. Though the spell could not generate enough acid to kill something as large as a giant, the pain weakened and distracted the giants giving Pazenga all the opening he needed. The combination of my illusion spell and the gith's own incredible speed left Paz nearly untouchable for a short time and he laid into them, an almost invisible ball of spinning kicks and punches. By unspoken consent Pazenga and Elarin focused their attacks on the giant that seemed the weaker of the two and in short order it was slain. My spell of slowing and Pazenga’s defensive illusion all expired at nearly the same time leaving our gith monk to face the second giant in a fair one-on-one contest. Of course I was not about to allow that happen, so I began a barrage of my force missiles. Elarin followed suit and blasted the thing with his last acid missile. Pazenga took full advantage of the magical distraction and scooted in between the thing’s legs. He snapped a lightning quick jab upward and we heard a wet popping sound that heralded the giant’s emasculation. Instead of fleeing as would have been advisable, the stupid creature instead chose to take out its pain and frustration on a target that did not move as quickly as Pazenga, that is me. I avoided being crushed by a hastily created illusionary double that drew the giant’s club away from me. The double-headed giant had made a fatal mistake, however, when he turned his back on Pazenga. Paz launched a series of blows to the giant’s spine that crushed a number of vertebrae and ended the creature’s life.

As soon as we were ascertained of the creature’s demise we hurried to the overturned wagon to locate the source of the screaming. Hiding under the wagon we found a young human woman by the name of Kaitlin. This woman told us that she was bringing three thousand gold sovereigns to a troop of Deineth Blademarks some three hundred strong. Three hundred Blademarks to defend the walls of New Cyre might almost give us some hope of defeating the immense hobgoblin army. Unfortunately she was heading in almost the opposite direction. Kaitlin insisted on continuing her journey to deliver the mercenaries their money even though her path led south well away from our current goal. Unable to either delay the lifting of the road block or to convince the human woman to accompany us, we made the ill-advised decision to divide our company yet again. We thought that with Pazenga’s speed he could accompany Kaitlin south and then run back to us before we reached the road block. This was to prove a nearly disastrous decision.

The basic reasoning behind our plan was sound. Pazenga should be able to catch up with us easily, especially if he rested on the wagon trip south and ran non-stop back north. The drawback of course was that New Cyre is teaming with goblin raiders.

We had only traveled for about a half a day when we were ambushed by a hobgoblin raiding party. Aside from the five ubiquitous hobgoblins, there were also two bizarre humanoid dragons. Their leader was some sort of a spell-casting vulpine shapeshifter. The wolf-sorcerer cast a spell that caused the hobgoblins to grow nearly ogre-sized and then another spell that either teleported him away or at least turned him invisible. The oversized hobgoblins laid into us with their blades and we were hard pressed to preserve our lives. I had to constantly drop below the level of the elemental wagon’s fence to avoid decapitation and this made it extremely difficult to cast any spells. Luckily for us Elarin and Bryanna are more competent at casting spells while being hacked at than I or we would have been overrun. Elarin began launching a barrage of firebolts at the dragonman in adjacent to my wife but the flames barely charred its scaly chest. My wife threw up an illusion that made it look as though were seven of her. Thus the hobgoblins had a very difficult time hitting her. In the confusion one hobgoblin got in a lucky slash opened her arm but she merely winced at the pain and continued the fight.

It was at this time that the two dragonmen opened their fangs maws and spat acid upon us. Failin fell to the bottom of the wagon moaning in agony. My wife’s familiar, Shard, did not even land a single blow before he was melted into a pile of gravel by the vitriolic vomit. I did not receive the dousing that slew Shard but even so the burning pain was nearly unbearable and I would have swooned had it not been for Byranna and her powerful healing staff. The acid-vomit had a similar effect on Elarin and Bryanna was forced to rush to his aid as well. By this time I had finally managed to cast my own illusionary image spell and was thus safe to begin smiting the enemy with my offensive spells.

After healing Elarin, Bryanna was caught in the direct blast of the acid vomit and dropped to the floor of the wagon. The first offensive spell I managed to get off was a spell of slowing. The dragonmen resisted the spell but the weaker hobgoblins fell victim to its power. Elarin skewered the dragonman in front of him with his magic-charged thrusting sword. Thus freed up, Elarin spun around and launched his most powerful attack on the other dragonman. The four fire rays speared into the dragonman lighting him up like a torch.

The two remaining hobgoblins saw that the battle was lost and chose to flee rather than fight to the death. The one nearest Bryanna scooped her up and attempted to run away with her. If he thought that carrying her unconscious form was going to protect him from retaliation he was sadly mistaken. Enraged, I drove my force missiles deep into his back and he flopped to the ground with my wife’s unconscious body. I sprinted over and healed Bryanna before she could lapse into a coma.

Somehow we had again managed to pull victory from the jaws of defeat. Most of us had survived but Byranna is grief stricken over the loss of her beloved familiar, Shard the faithful. The four of us, as badly used as we are, continue the journey to the road block. I pray to Aureon and Boldrie and all of the Sovereign Host that Pazenga returns before we face another goblin raiding party.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Dinnivan level 8

Dinnivan d’Sivis Tomebinder
Rock Gnome 8th character level, 3rd level Archivist (cast as level 5), 3rd level Wizard (1st Gnome Illus. Racial Sub. Level, cast as level 5) 2nd level Mystic Theurge
Lawful (84) Good (94) Birth Date 892 Rhaan 12th
S 6 (-2)
D 10 (0)
C 16 (+3)/18(+4)
I 20 (+5)
W 17 (+3)
Ch 11 (0)
AC 14 (+1 size +3 armor and AC 18 to giants) hp 59 Speed 20’ Action Points 2 (2d6)
Experience Points 35,544/36,000
Melee attack: dagger +0 (-2 str, -2 flaw, +1 size, +3 wiz,,arch,mystic) damage 1d3-2 19-20/x2
0 vs. kobolds and goblinoids
Missile attack: Crossbow or rays +2 (-2 flaw, +1 size, +3 wiz,,arch,mystic)
Fort +8/+10 vs. illusion (+4 con, +3 Archivist, +1 Wizard)
Reflex +2/+4 vs. illusion (+1 Archivist, +1 Wizard)
Will +12/+14 vs. illusion (+3 wisdom, +3 Archivist, +3 Wizard, +3 Mystic Theurge)
Skills (48 points Archivist, 18 wizard, 13 Mystic Theurge)
Listen +5 (+3 wisdom +2 gnome 0 ranks)
Craft: Alchemy +9 (+1 rank +5 int +2 gnome +1 specialized)
Profession: Scribe +5 (+3 wisdom +1 rank +1 specialized)
Healing +7 (+3 wisdom +4 ranks)
Decipher script +10 (+1 rank +5 int +2 archivist +2 Sivis Dragonmark)
Speak Language: Goblin (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Hide +8 (+4 small +4 ranks)
Speak Language: Orc (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Knowledge Nature +10 (+5 ranks +5 int)
Knowledge Arcane +16 (+5 int +11 ranks) Magical Beasts
Knowledge Dungeoneering +14 (+5 int +9 ranks) Aberrations
Knowledge Religion +18 (+5 int +11 ranks +2 archivist) Undead
Knowledge Planes +14 (+5 int +9 ranks) Outsiders and elementals
Concentration +11 (+3 con +8 ranks)
Spell craft +18 (+5 Int +11 ranks +2 synergy w/ know. arcane)
Free- light armor and simple weapons
Free- Scribe Scroll
Flaw- Augment Healing (+2 per spell level)
Flaw- Sivis Dragon Mark (comprehend languages 1/day +2 decipher script)
1st Trivial Knowledge (2 dice rolls knowledge checks)
3rd Spell Focus: illusion
6th Leadership
Non-combatant (-2 melee)
Shaky (-2 ranged)
Specialized (+1 alchemy -2 all other crafts)
Specialized (+1 Scribe -2 all other professions)
Burrowing Mammal
Racial Abilities
Low light vision
Innate Spells (at wizard level due to 1st level gnome illusionist racial substitution level):
1/day 1st level Speak with (burrowing) Animals, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Class Features:
Dark Knowledge (4/day, move action, 60’, 1 minute, know roll 15=+1 attack, 25=+2 attack, 35=+3 attack)
Shadow Shaper (hide is class skill but lose bonus feats)
Immediate Magic: Brief Figment 4/day (immediate action, 1 mirror image, 1 round, but lose familiar)
1st level Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution level: Gnome Illusion Spells:
gnome gains wizard level as level of racial spell-like abilities and -1 spell level on the following spells 0/1st Silent Image, Ventriloquism; 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image; 3rd/4th Illusionary Wall; 4th/5th Persistent Image; 5th/6th Programmed Image
But has penalty or -1 caster level on Transmutation spells
Archivist Prayer Book
0 All Clerical
1st Cure Light Wounds (1d8+7, will ½), Protection From Evil (1 min/L), Summon Monster I (25’+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L), Sanctuary, Hide From Undead, Resurgence (touch, 2nd save), Command, Summon Nature’s Ally I (25‘+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, wolf), Entangle (400’+40/L, 40‘ radius, reflex for ½ move or held fast and DC20 strength or escape artist to move ½, unentangled must save each round), Night Shield (+1 saves 6th=+2 9th=+3, negates magic missiles) Obscuring Mist (20‘), Burning Hands (15’ cone, 5d4)
2nd Lesser Restoration (3 rounds, cures 1d4 removes reduction), Silence (400+40/L, 20‘), Hold Person (100‘+10/L, 1 round/L), Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+1/L+4), Summon Monster II (25’+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, no more than 30’ apart, celestial bombardier beetle or celestial giant bee), Shield Other (25‘+5/2L, 1 hour/L, +1 AC & saves), Web (100+10/L, 20‘ radius, 10 min/L, reflex to get loose or stuck DC 20 str or 25 escape artist 2nd chance to get loose, those loose str check or escape artist to move DC 15= 5’ DC 20=10’ DC 25=15’ etc), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Invisibility
3rd Protection from Energy (10min/L, 12 damage/L), Magic Circle(10’, 10min/L),
Archivist Spells Prepared 4/5/4/3 (save 15+ spell level or 17+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Cure Minor Wounds x4
1st Obscuring Mist, Cure Light Wounds, Summon Nature’s Ally I, Entangle, Burning Hands
2nd Silence, Web, Mirror Image, Summon Monster II
3rd Magic Circle, Protection from Energy, Invisability
Illusionist Spell Book (restricted: conjuration and necromancy, Transmutation caster at level -1)
0 all except conjuration & necromancy plus Silent Image (400+40/L, concentration) & Ventriloquism
1st Minor Image (concentration +2 rounds, 400+40/L), Color Spray (p 210, will neg, 15‘ cone, min stun 1 round), Charm Person, Magic Missile (100+10/L) Net of Shadows, Ebon Eyes (trans), Repair Light Damage (trans. 1d8+1/L-1), Disguise Self, Shield (1 min/L, +4), Reduce Person, Identify (casting 1 hour, 100gp pearl), Sleep, Shocking Grasp, Alarm, Power Word: Fatigue (RD p 115, 25‘+5/2L, <100hp, 1st -2 str&dex no run/charge, 2nd half speed -6 str&dex),
2nd Phantasmal Assailants (SC 25‘+5/2L, 8/4 wis&dex, 1st will 2nd fort), Flaming Sphere (reflex neg, 100+10/L, 30‘round, 1 round/L), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Bull’s Strength (1 min/L), Resist Energy (10 min/L, -10 energy), Vertigo (PHB2 127, will neg, 25+5/2L, 1 round/L, no spell resistance, DC 10 balance fail by 5=prone, -2 attack and save, airborne +4 will & no balance), Snowball Swarm (SC p194, 2d6 reflex ½, 100’+10/L, 10’ burst), Levitate (25+5/2L, 100#/L, 1 min/L, -1/attack, 20‘ round), Protection from Arrows (1 hour/L, 10/magic, 10hp/L max),
3rd Displacement (1 round/L) , Slow (will neg, 25+5/2L, 1 round/L, within 30, ½ move, -1 AC attack save), Fireball
Wizard (Illusionist) Spells Prepared (4/5/4/3 save 15+ spell level or 17+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Silent Image, Repair Minor Damagex3
1st Color Spray , Magic Missile, Repair Light Damage, Power Word: Fatigue x2
2nd Phantasmal Assailants (Illus), Flaming Sphere, Vertigo, Snowball Swarm
3rd Displacement, Slow, Fireball
Encumbrance/Equipment (current 9)
Light <=15, Medium <=30, Heavy <=45
Spell Component Pouch 2 lbs.
Flame Touched Red Iron Holy Symbol 0 lbs
Scholar’s outfit (worn) 0 lbs
Everburning shuttered lantern 2 lbs (carried)
Bracers of Armor +3 (worn)
Amulet of Health +2 (worn)
Heward’s Handy Haversack: 5 lbs total
Main Pack: Max 80 lbs - size 8 cubic feet (used 77.75 lbs or 75.75 lbs)
2 suits of banded mail 70 lbs
Dagger 0.5 lbs
Eberron Dragonshard (20 spell levels) 0 lbs
Coins in sack: 3.25 lbs
96 platinum pieces
55 gold pieces
3 silver pieces
10 copper pieces
Staff of Life 4 charges 2 lbs
2-100gp pearls
Potion of Mage Armor 0 lbs
Red potion Whitehearth p23
2 potions from haunted mansion basement
Right Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 19.5 lbs)
Dinnivan 2 Spell Books 6 lbs
Spell book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=47)
Prayer book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=50)
Letter of Credit to house Orien 0 lbs
Hobgoblin spell book 3 lbs (1st-Level Spells Magic missile, shocking grasp, alarm, grease, mage armor, shield, sleep 2nd-Level Spells Ghoul Touch, Blindness/deafness, Web, Bull's Strength, Mirror Image 3rd-Level Fireball, Haste)
Dinnivan’s Journal 3 lbs
Letter of Introduction from Morgrave University 0 lbs
Scrolls (divine): 0 lbs
Bull’s Strength
Cat’s Grace
Bear’s Endurance
Scorching Ray
See Invisibility
Heat Metal
Spiritual Weapon
Resist Energy
Scrolls (arcane):
3 Net of Shadows
Unknown scroll
Invisibility x2,
Summon Monster 4
Deed to castle 0lbs
Map of Sharn 0 lbs
Traveling Papers 0 lbs
Deed to castle 0 lbs
1 bedrolls 5 lbs
Glamour Weave courtier outfit 2.5 lbs
Left Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 20 lbs)
Wand of Dawn Burst (50 charges CM 101)
Wand of Magic Missiles L1(48 charges)
Wand of Magic Missiles L5 (14 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (45 charges) gift to Bryanna
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (48 charges)
Wand of Repair Light Damage 0 lbs (27 charges)
Wand of Shield Other 0 lbs (30 charges level 3)
Wand of Ebon Eyes (50 charges)
Wand of Net of Shadows (49 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Healer Kit 1 lbs
140 arrows for Elarin 14 lbs.
1 bedroll 5 lbs
Brief Personal History: Dinnivan’s parents (Filgin and Dolra) were moderately wealthy members of the dragon marked house Sivis prior to the inception of the last war. In the early years of the Last War Dinnivan’s parents served under a number of flags as a primary means of communication with the front lines. Their ultimate goal was to serve as a communication conduit between the various members of the Galfarian royal family in hopes that the war might end through negotiation, and this was how much of their time was spent, especially in their later years. Realistically such communication was employed to create and dissolve alliances and did little to bring the conflict to a conclusion, and perhaps even lengthened it. When Dinnivan was conceived, the gnome couple withdrew from involvement in the conflict in order to raise their son safely in Korranburg. However, as soon as Dinnivan was old enough to enter studies in the Korranburg Library, his parents resumed serving various members of the Galfarian royal family as communication specialists. This went on for a number of years during which Dinnivan graduated from the Library of Korranberg’s College of Tabernacles (religion and philosophy) and was retained to serve as assistant librarian. Dinnivan rarely saw his parents but they wrote him frequently. A week prior to the Day of Mourning Dinnivan received a letter from his parents telling him that they were in Cyre working for its Queen and that they would be coming home for a visit in two weeks. That was the last Dinnivan heard from his parents and therefore Dinnivan assumes they were slain in the Mourning. Furthermore nearly all of the family wealth disappeared with them. When the Last War finally ended Dinnivan decided to fulfill a life long dream and travel to Sharn to train under the House Phairlan illusionists.
Faith: Worships the Sovereign Host with special focus on Aureon (LN god of law, knowledge, lore, and magic) and his wife Boldrei (LG goddess of community, hearth, villages, homes, marriages, and government appointments)
Hair color- dark gray, Skin Color- light brown, thin arms and legs, small potbelly, Height 3’4’, Weight 46 lbs, Age 106
Wands to Purchase
Wand of Entangle, Wand of Power Word: word of fatigue, Wand of Bull’s strength, Wand of Invest Light Protection, Wand of power word pain
Feat Plans
9th level Craft Wand
12th Improved Spell Focus: illusion*
15th Elven Spell Knowledge
18th Draconic Archivist
21st Magic of the Land
Skill Plans
Bluff 4 ranks (level 17)
Use Magic Device 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ spell craft to decipher spell scrolls)
Decipher Script 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device involving scrolls)
Spell craft * ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device check when one rank in it)
Cleric Spells to learn from Cannith Scrolls: Repair Light Damage, Repair Minor Damage, Insight Of Good Fortune, Cloud of Knives, Wall of Fire (Fire Domain 4th)
New Spells to Learn at Korranseburg Library:
Power Word: Fatigue RD 115, Power Word: Pain RD116, Power Word: Sicken RD116, Dawnburst Dark Way (SC p58 for scrolls only)CM 101, Karmic Aura CM 108, Karmic Backlash CM 109, Truecasting CM 121, Dragon Eye Rune DM 66, Path of Frost DM 71, Soul of Order DM 73. Dark Way (SC p58 for scrolls only), Jet of Steam CM, Boiling Blood CM, Luminous Swarm CM, Spells for illusionist (restricted: conjuration and necromancy) True Strike, Feather Fall, Dispelling Touch, 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image;
Adept Spells for Archivist:
Level 3 spells
S. O. P.
1. When leaving dungeon Paz scouts exit to check for ambush.
2. If DM rolls attack roll and damage at same time Din will use immediate figment for every attack unless otherwise noted.
3. Din is always hiding in the shadows and moving silently unless the movement speed of the party prevents it.
4. At fancy parties Zed wears the backpack.
5. If I have an opportunity to learn new spells Din will always do so.
The description of the Knowledge skill indicates that in general, the baseline DC of checks to identify monsters and remember one bit of useful information about their special powers or vulnerabilities is equal to 10 + the monster's HD. Every 5 points by which the check result exceeds the DC yields another useful piece of information (PH 78).
As a general rule of thumb, a DC 15 check or higher will reveal all of the base creature's type and subtype traits as defined in the glossary. This often includes information about energy resistance or various immunities. For instance, a DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check reveals that dragons have high hit points (12-sided HD), all good saves, and have darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. They eat, sleep, and breathe.
Information specific to the creature, such as its type of damage resistance, spell-like abilities, or immunities come with the high DC check results.
Celestial giant bee CR 1; Medium Magical Beast (Augmented,Extraplanar); HD 3d8 (Vermin) ; hp 13; Init +2; Spd 20, Fly, Good 80; AC:14 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:12); Atk +2 (1d4, Sting); SA: Poison (Ex) , Smite Evil (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Vermin, Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., Mindless (Ex), Immunity: Mind-Affecting Attacks (Ex), Resistance: Electricity (Ex): 5, Resistance: Cold (Ex): 5, Spell Resistance (Ex): 3 + 5, Resistance: Acid (Ex): 5; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2; STR 11, DEX 14, CON 11, INT --, WIS 12, CHA 9.
Skills: Spot +5.
Description: Although they are many times larger, growing to a length of about 5 feet, giant bees behave generally the same as their smaller cousins.
Combat: Giant bees are usually not aggressive except when defending themselves or their hive.
Special Attacks: Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution. A bee that successfully stings another creature pulls away, leaving its stinger in the creature. The bee then dies.
Celestial giant bombardier beetle: CR 2; Medium Magical Beast (Augmented,Extraplanar); HD 2d8+4 (Vermin) ; hp 13; Init +0; Spd 30; AC:16 (Flatfooted:16 Touch:10); Atk +2(1d4+1, Bite); SA: Acid Spray (Ex) , Smite Evil (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Vermin, Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., Mindless (Ex), Immunity: Mind-Affecting Attacks (Ex), Resistance: Electricity (Ex): 5, Resistance: Cold (Ex): 5, Spell Resistance (Ex): 2 + 5, Resistance: Acid (Ex): 5; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0; STR 13, DEX 10, CON 14, INT --, WIS 10, CHA 9.
Description: These creatures feed primarily on carrion and offal, gathering heaps of the stuff in which to build nests and lay eggs. A giant bombardier beetle is about 6 feet long.
Giant bombardier beetles have no interest in other creatures. They normally attack only to defend themselves, their nests, or their eggs.
Combat: Giant bombardier beetles bite with their mandibles and spray acid.
Special Attacks: Acid Spray (Ex): When attacked or disturbed, a giant bombardier beetle can release a 10-foot cone of acidic vapor once per round. Those within the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or take 1d4+2 points of damage.

wolf: CR 1; Medium Animal ; HD 2d8+4 (Animal) ; hp 13; Init +2; Spd 50; AC:14 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:12); Atk +2 base melee, +3 base ranged; +2 (1d6+1, Bite); SA: Trip (Ex) ; SQ: Scent (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex); AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; STR 13, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 6.
Skills: Jump +9.
Feats: Track.
Description: Wolves are pack hunters infamous for their persistence and cunning.
Combat: A favorite tactic is to send a few individuals against the foe's front while the rest of the pack circles and attacks from the flanks or rear.
Special Attacks: Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action (see page 139 in the Player's Handbook) without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

13th Sypheros

13th Syphofos on the road somewhere between Drenlin’s Ferry and New Cyre

I now see clearly that there is no hope of final victory against the innumerable forces arrayed against us. The survival of New Cyre is in the hands of the Sovereign Host now. Should New Cyre survive the coming storm of war it will be a miracle of such magnitude that even the most recalcitrant agnostic could not discredit the event. It is harsh but I must now count the survival of my wife and friends of greater importance than the survival of New Cyre. Should New Cyre fall, my companions and I could still escape to carry warning to Breland and the rest of the former Galifarian Empire. But if we fall along with New Cyre, all Khorvaire may be doomed.

My despair is not without reason. Such fears are rooted in what now seems a foolish optimism. After meeting with the elders in Drenlin’s Ferry and subsequent to a brief private conference among the fellowship of the Honor Guard, it was decided that our best course of action to achieve the twin ends of warding the hapless refugees and slowing the advancing juggernaut was to split our forces. Acting as a screening force to slow the advancing horde would play to the strengths of those of us with formidable long ranged attacks (Elarin, Pazenga, and myself). Conversely acting as a living shield for the retreating refugees would draw on Zed’s supremacy in close combat. Therefore we divided our company with Elarin, Pazenga, Bryanna, Failin, and I remaining behind to defend the river crossing at Drenlin’s Ferry while Zed accompanied the refugees on their long trek to the capital of New Cyre.

After the Cyran refugees had fled, Bryanna and I went to Drenlin’s small church of the Host and discovered that a fully stocked fabrication facility that had been abandoned by the vassal priests. Rather than have such costly materials fall into the hands of the enemy, we decided that Bryanna should attempt to craft as many healing wands as possible while I deciphered a few of the most powerful scrolls tucked away in our magic backpack.

While we were doing so, Pazenga briefly stopped in and we had a meeting of minds over a “scorched earth” policy toward Drenlin’s Ferry. In their haste, the refugees had left far too much in the way of victuals and other supplies for us to allow the village of Drenlin’s Ferry to fall into the hands of the enemy. I was to find out later that Pazenga shrewdly used lamp oil, cooking oil, and firewood to guarantee that the enemy would not benefit from an occupation of Drenlin’s Ferry. Our githzerai monk had also cut loose the tethered raft that gave Drenlin’s Ferry its name and razed it to the waterline. He and Elarin had also hulled every boat on both sides of the river to deny the goblin army passage.

When the call came from Pazenga and Elarin that the enemy had finally reached the far side of the river I ascended the stairs to the wall’s parapet with foolish confidence. I was convinced that, with four hundred feet of river between us and them, we were safe for the time being. I could not have been more wrong.

In my foolish arrogance I assumed my new fireball spell would allow me to strike at the goblinoids at a range that would render their bows and crossbows impotent. I released the restrained power of my fireball spell with a few whispered words of magic and sent the flames arcing high over the flowing river toward a distant group of hobgoblin crossbowmen. Instead of incinerating them, as I expected, the heat of the spell merely left them singed and enraged. In response those crossbowmen, and hundreds of their fellows up and down the distant riverbank, fired their weapons on a high trajectory, the myriad of bolts blotting out the late morning sun. The sheer volume of missiles dropping out of the sky rendered the skill of the archer superflous. Elarin and I received a great number of shallow wounds and were forced to retreat to dubious safety of an adjacent cottage. Pazenga boldly remained behind on the parapet firing his crossbow furiously though to no apparent effect. As Elarin, Bryanna, and I hid from the arrow storm, Pazenga drew upon his uncanny agility to avoid the incoming barrage of missiles. Although our gith martial artist succeeded for a time, there was no more hope of avoiding all of the missiles from that massive arrow storm than there is of dodging all of the raindrops in a down poor. After a being pierced a number of times even Pazenga was forced to withdraw from the town’s palisade in order to preserve his life.

It was at this point that the sorcerers of the goblin army destroyed the riverside section of the wooden palisade with a barrage of enchanted fireballs. The four of us decided that it was time to set fire to town before the goblin advance guard was close enough to prevent the holocaust and our grim scorched earth policy. After setting fire to the town, we retreated to Failin’s wagon to await further developments. We spent a sleepless night camping near the wagon while the towering flames of Drenlin’s Ferry turned night to day. I know that this was necessary but the guilt and shame are almost unbearable.

When the goblin vanguard finally crossed the river and once again came within reach of our distance attacks, we struck. Neither my feeble fireball spell nor my friends' missiles inflicted more than superficial wounds upon the elite hobgoblin foot. Failin immediately got the elemental wagon underway bearing Bryanna, Elarin, Shard, and I while Pazenga loped nearby acting as as guard and skirmisher. The hobgoblins were under the influence of a spell of some sort, perhaps haste, and quickly closed with us surrounding the elemental wagon on three sides. The hobgoblin captain and one of his soldiers must have recognized me as the group’s spellbinder because they laid into me with their swords. The soldier struck first and I used a minor illusion magic to throw off this aim. Before I could recover the captain dealt an agonizing slash across my stomach and I felt my intestines begin to exit the burning incision. Barely conscious, I was sure that I had cheated death once too often and I waited for the blow that would send me to Dolurrh. Bryanna, my darling wife, drew upon the incredible power of her new staff and completely healed the gaping wound.

Just as it seemed we would be overwhelmed, Failin swerved and crushed two of the elite swordsmen under the elemental wagon‘s huge stone wheels. Elarin accounted for a third with two quick blasts of his fire-bolt spell. Instead of pushing in for the kill, the hobgoblin swordsmen retreated back to their own lines at speed. I sent a fireball after them as revenge for my near disembowelment, but again it barely scorched them. Apparently the distant cluster of hobgoblins and their monstrous allies were supported by a powerful sorcerer, for an answering fireball blasted into the center of Failin’s wagon. Unlike my fireball, the hobgoblins’ did more than scorch our skin and set fire to our hair. In panic, Failin kicked the wagon into full speed in order to get out of spell range. I launched another fireball into the hobgoblin foot and felt grim satisfaction as two of the swordsmen fell writhing in flames. My satisfaction was short lived as another of the hobgoblin sorcerer’s fireball detonated upon us yet again. Failin collapsed, his skin blackened, and the elemental wagon came to a grinding halt. Bryanna once again saved the day by using her staff to snatch Failin from death’s door. Meanwhile Elarin had consumed a healing draught and counter attacked the deadly sorcerer with his only spell capable of reaching that great distance, his acid missile spell. The burning acid could not kill the sorcerer but it did give him something to think about besides us. When the third fireball struck the wagon my brave wife dropped smoldering and unconscious to the bottom of the wagon. I scooped up Bryanna’s staff and healed her with its powerful magic. Elarin blasted the enemy sorcerer with another of his amazing acid spells just as the wagon pulled out of range.

Our abysmal performance against the goblinoid advance guard has destroyed any optimism I had for victory in the coming war. If the five of us, experts in our respective fields, were barely able to escape, much less defeat, a goblin vanguard of less than a score, what hope does the inexperienced military of New Cyre have? Even if New Cyre could match the ten thousand strong army of the goblinoids and their allies, they would be outclassed by the horde’s combat experience. I suspect that many of the hobgoblin warriors are Darguun veterans of the Last War. We will never surrender but I cannot avoid the conclusion that this war is already lost.

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