The Journal of Dinnivan d'Sivis

This is an in character journal of a Dungeons and Dragons Eberron campaign known as "The Shattergate Cycle" as written by Dinnivan d'Sivis.

My Photo
Location: Urik, Dark Sun

I have been DMing off and on since 1979.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Dinnivan d’Sivis Tomebinder
Rock Gnome 9th character level, 3rd level Archivist (cast as level 6), 3rd level Wizard (1st Gnome Illus. Racial Sub. Level, cast as level 9 except transmutation as caster level 8) 3rd level Mystic Theurge
Lawful (84) Good (94) Birth Date 892 Rhaan 12th
S 6 (-2)
D 10 (0)
C 16 (+3)/18(+4)
I 20/22 (+5 bonus spells 2/1/1/1/1)/(+6 bonus spells 2/2/1/1/1/1)
W 17 (+3 bonus spells 1/1/1)
Ch 11 (0)
AC 15/19G (+1 size +3 armor +1 ring) hp 72 (rolls 6,4,3,6,5,4,3,4,2) Speed 20’Action Points 8 (2d6)
Experience Points 41,220/45,000
Melee attack: dagger +0 (-2 str, -2 flaw, +1 size, +3 wiz,,arch,mystic) damage 1d3-2 19-20/x2
0 vs. kobolds and goblinoids
Missile attack: Crossbow or rays +2 (-2 flaw, +1 size, +3 wiz,,arch,mystic)
Fort +9/+11 vs. illusion (+4 con, +3 Archivist, +1 Wizard, +1 Mystic Theurge)
Reflex +3/+5 vs. illusion (+1 Archivist, +1 Wizard, +1 Mystic Theurge)
Will +12/+14 vs. illusion (+3 wisdom, +3 Archivist, +3 Wizard, +3 Mystic Theurge)
Skills (48 points Archivist, 18 wizard, 20 Mystic Theurge)
Listen +5 (+3 wisdom +2 gnome 0 ranks)
Craft: Alchemy +9 (+1 rank +5 int +2 gnome +1 specialized)
Profession: Scribe +5 (+3 wisdom +1 rank +1 specialized)
Healing +7 (+3 wisdom +4 ranks)
Decipher script +10 (+1 rank +5 int +2 archivist +2 Sivis Dragonmark)
Speak Language: Goblin (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Hide +8 (+4 small +4 ranks)
Speak Language: Orc (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Knowledge Nature +10 (+5 ranks +5 int)
Knowledge Dungeoneering +14 (+5 int +9 ranks) Aberrations
Knowledge Planes +14 (+5 int +9 ranks) Outsiders and elementals
Knowledge Arcane +17 (+5 int +12 ranks) Magical Beasts
Knowledge Religion +19 (+5 int +12 ranks +2 archivist) Undead
Concentration +15 (+3 con +12 ranks)
Spell craft +19 (+5 Int +12 ranks +2 synergy w/ know. arcane)
Free- light armor and simple weapons
Free- Scribe Scroll
Flaw- Augment Healing (+2 per spell level)
Flaw- Sivis Dragon Mark (comprehend languages 1/day +2 decipher script)
1st Trivial Knowledge (2 dice rolls knowledge checks)
3rd Spell Focus: illusion
6th Leadership
9th Practiced Spell Caster (up to +4 on caster level for wizard class)
Non-combatant (-2 melee)
Shaky (-2 ranged)
Specialized (+1 alchemy -2 all other crafts)
Specialized (+1 Scribe -2 all other professions)
Burrowing Mammal
Racial Abilities
Low light vision
Innate Spells (at wizard level due to 1st level gnome illusionist racial substitution level):
1/day 1st level Speak with (burrowing) Animals, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation
Class Features:
Dark Knowledge (4/day, move action, 60’, 1 minute, know roll 15=+1 attack, 25=+2 attack, 35=+3 attack)
Shadow Shaper (hide is class skill but lose bonus feats)
Immediate Magic: Brief Figment 4/day (immediate action, 1 mirror image, 1 round, but lose familiar)
1st level Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution level: Gnome Illusion Spells:
gnome gains wizard level as level of racial spell-like abilities and -1 spell level on the following spells 0/1st Silent Image, Ventriloquism; 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image; 3rd/4th Illusionary Wall; 4th/5th Persistent Image; 5th/6th Programmed Image
But has penalty or -1 caster level on Transmutation spells
Archivist Prayer Book
0 All Clerical
1st Cure Light Wounds (1d8+7, will ½), Protection From Evil (1 min/L), Summon Monster I (25’+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L), Sanctuary, Hide From Undead, Resurgence (touch, 2nd save), Command, Summon Nature’s Ally I (25‘+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, wolf), Entangle (400’+40/L, 40‘ radius, reflex for ½ move or held fast and DC20 strength or escape artist to move ½, unentangled must save each round), Night Shield (+1 saves 6th=+2 9th=+3, negates magic missiles) Obscuring Mist (20‘ 20% miss 5‘, 50% miss 10+, 1 min/L), Burning Hands (15’ cone, 5d4)
2nd Lesser Restoration (3 rounds, cures 1d4 removes reduction), Silence (400+40/L, 20‘), Hold Person (100‘+10/L, 1 round/L), Cure Moderate Wounds (2d8+1/L+4), Summon Monster II (25’+5/2L, 1 round, 1 round/L, no more than 30’ apart, celestial bombardier beetle or celestial giant bee), Shield Other (25‘+5/2L, 1 hour/L, +1 AC & saves), Web (100+10/L, 20‘ radius, 10 min/L, reflex to get loose or stuck DC 20 str or 25 escape artist 2nd chance to get loose, those loose str check or escape artist to move DC 15= 5’ DC 20=10’ DC 25=15’ etc), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Invisibility
3rd Protection from Energy (10min/L, 12 damage/L), Magic Circle(10’, 10min/L), Cure Serious Wounds (3d8+6+1/L), Windwall ( range 100 +10/L, 10/L x 5/L, can be cylinder or rectangle)
Archivist Spells Prepared 4/5/5/4 (save 16+ spell level or 18+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Cure Minor Wounds x4
1st Cure Light Wounds, Summon Nature’s Ally I, Entangle, Burning Hands, Night Shield (currently hide from undeadx5)
2nd Silence, Web, Mirror Image, Summon Monster II, Hold Person (currently silencex5)
3rd Magic Circle, Protection from Energy, Cure Serious Wounds, Windwall (currently 1 magic circle and protection from energyx3)
Illusionist Spell Book (restricted: conjuration and necromancy, Transmutation caster at level -1)
0 all except conjuration & necromancy plus Silent Image (400+40/L, concentration) & Ventriloquism
1st Minor Image (concentration +2 rounds, 400+40/L), Color Spray (p 210, will neg, 15‘ cone, min stun 1 round), Charm Person, Magic Missile (100+10/L) Net of Shadows, Ebon Eyes (trans), Repair Light Damage (trans. 1d8+1/L-1), Disguise Self, Shield (1 min/L, +4), Reduce Person, Identify (casting 1 hour, 100gp pearl), Sleep, Shocking Grasp, Alarm, Power Word: Fatigue (RD p 115, 25‘+5/2L, <100hp, 1st -2 str&dex no run/charge, 2nd half speed -6 str&dex),
2nd Phantasmal Assailants (SC 25‘+5/2L, 8/4 wis&dex, 1st will 2nd fort), Flaming Sphere (reflex neg, 100+10/L, 30‘round, 1 round/L), Mirror Image (1 min/L, 1d4 images +1/3L, AC 11), Bull’s Strength (1 min/L), Resist Energy (10 min/L, -10 energy 9th -20 11th -30), Vertigo (PHB2 127, will neg, 25+5/2L, 1 round/L, no spell resistance, DC 10 balance fail by 5=prone, -2 attack and save, airborne +4 will & no balance), Snowball Swarm (SC p194, 2d6 reflex ½, 100’+10/L, 10’ burst), Levitate (25+5/2L, 100#/L, 1 min/L, -1/attack, 20‘ round), Protection from Arrows (1 hour/L, 10/magic, 10hp/L max),
3rd Displacement (1 round/L) , Slow (will neg, 25+5/2L, 1 round/L, within 30, ½ move, -1 AC attack save), Fireball (400‘+40/L, 20‘), Vertigo Field (100+10/L, 20’, 1 round/L, 20% miss, difficult terrain=double cost, Fort save each round or nauseated 1 round once only), Prismatic Mist (100+10/L, 30’ radius, 1 min/L, no spell resistance, 1: 1d4 fire 2: 1d6 acid 3: 1d8 electric 4: 1d4 str fort neg 5: slow 1 round will neg 6: confusion 1-10 normal 21-50 nothing 51-70 flee 71-100 attack nearest 7: dazed 1 round will neg 8: roll twice)
Wizard (Illusionist) Spells Prepared (5/6/6/4 save 16+ spell level or 18+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Silent Image, Repair Minor Damagex4
1st Color Spray , Magic Missile, Repair Light Damage, Shield, Power Word: Fatigue x2 (currently 1 minor image and magic missilex5) cast one magic missile already
2nd Phantasmal Assailants (Illus), Flaming Sphere, Vertigo, Levitate, Protection from Arrows (currently 1 mirror image 1 flaming sphere resist energyx4)
3rd Displacement, Slow, Fireball, Prismatic Mist
Encumbrance/Equipment (current 9)
Light <=15, Medium <=30, Heavy <=45
Spell Component Pouch 2 lbs.
Flame Touched Red Iron Holy Symbol 0 lbs
Scholar’s outfit (worn) 0 lbs
Everburning shuttered lantern 2 lbs (carried underground, surface in backpack)
Bracers of Armor +3 (worn)
Amulet of Health +2 (worn)
Headband of Intellect +2 (worn)
Heward’s Handy Haversack: 5 lbs total
Main Pack: Max 80 lbs - size 8 cubic feet (used 59.5 lbs)
Magic full plate 50 lbs
Magic heavy mace 8 lbs
Dagger 0.5 lbs
Charm of Balinor 0
Eberron Dragonshard (20 spell levels) 0 lbs
Coins in sack: 1 lbs
60 platinum pieces
0 gold pieces
0 silver pieces
0 copper pieces
Staff of Life 2 charges 2 lbs Bryanna
Horn of Fog Bryanna
Unknown magic pearl
Potion of Mage Armor 0 lbs
Red potion Whitehearth p23
2 potions from haunted mansion basement
Right Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 19.5 lbs)
Dinnivan 2 Spell Books 6 lbs
Spell book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=47)
Prayer book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=50)
Letter of Credit to house Orien 0 lbs
Hobgoblin spell book 3 lbs (1st-Level Spells Magic missile, shocking grasp, alarm, grease, mage armor, shield, sleep 2nd-Level Spells Ghoul Touch, Blindness/deafness, Web, Bull's Strength, Mirror Image 3rd-Level Fireball, Haste)
Dinnivan’s Journal 3 lbs
Letter of Introduction from Morgrave University 0 lbs
Scrolls (divine): 0 lbs
Plant Growth
Bull’s Strength
Cat’s Grace
Bear’s Endurance
Scorching Ray
See Invisibility
Heat Metal
Spiritual Weapon
Resist Energy
Scrolls (arcane):
3 Net of Shadows
Unknown scroll
Invisibility x2,
Summon Monster 4
Deed to castle 0lbs
Map of Sharn 0 lbs
Traveling Papers 0 lbs
Deed to castle 0 lbs
1 bedrolls 5 lbs
Glamour Weave courtier outfit 2.5 lbs
Left Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 20 lbs)
Wand of Dawn Burst (50 charges CM 101)
Wand of Magic Missiles L1(48 charges)
Wand of Magic Missiles L5 (14 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (45 charges) gift to Bryanna
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (48 charges)
Wand of Repair Light Damage 0 lbs (27 charges)
Wand of Shield Other 0 lbs (30 charges level 3)
Wand of Ebon Eyes (49 charges)
Wand of Net of Shadows (49 charges)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50)
Staff of Healing (1) gift to Bryanna
Wand of Hold person (DC ?)
Wand of Lightening Bolts
Healer Kit 1 lbs
140 arrows for Elarin 14 lbs.
1 bedroll 5 lbs
Brief Personal History: Dinnivan’s parents (Filgin and Dolra) were moderately wealthy members of the dragon marked house Sivis prior to the inception of the last war. In the early years of the Last War Dinnivan’s parents served under a number of flags as a primary means of communication with the front lines. Their ultimate goal was to serve as a communication conduit between the various members of the Galfarian royal family in hopes that the war might end through negotiation, and this was how much of their time was spent, especially in their later years. Realistically such communication was employed to create and dissolve alliances and did little to bring the conflict to a conclusion, and perhaps even lengthened it. When Dinnivan was conceived, the gnome couple withdrew from involvement in the conflict in order to raise their son safely in Korranburg. However, as soon as Dinnivan was old enough to enter studies in the Korranburg Library, his parents resumed serving various members of the Galfarian royal family as communication specialists. This went on for a number of years during which Dinnivan graduated from the Library of Korranberg’s College of Tabernacles (religion and philosophy) and was retained to serve as assistant librarian. Dinnivan rarely saw his parents but they wrote him frequently. A week prior to the Day of Mourning Dinnivan received a letter from his parents telling him that they were in Cyre working for its Queen and that they would be coming home for a visit in two weeks. That was the last Dinnivan heard from his parents and therefore Dinnivan assumes they were slain in the Mourning. Furthermore nearly all of the family wealth disappeared with them. When the Last War finally ended Dinnivan decided to fulfill a life long dream and travel to Sharn to train under the House Phairlan illusionists.
Faith: Worships the Sovereign Host with special focus on Aureon (LN god of law, knowledge, lore, and magic) and his wife Boldrei (LG goddess of community, hearth, villages, homes, marriages, and government appointments)
Hair color- dark gray, Skin Color- light brown, thin arms and legs, small potbelly, Height 3’4’, Weight 46 lbs, Age 106
Wands to Purchase
Wand of Entangle, Wand of Power Word: word of fatigue, Wand of Bull’s strength, Wand of Invest Light Protection, Wand of power word pain
Feat Plans
9th level Craft Wand
12th Improved Spell Focus: illusion*
15th Elven Spell Knowledge
18th Draconic Archivist
21st Magic of the Land
Skill Plans
Bluff 4 ranks (level 17)
Use Magic Device 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ spell craft to decipher spell scrolls)
Decipher Script 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device involving scrolls)
Spell craft * ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device check when one rank in it)
Cleric Spells to learn from Cannith Scrolls: Repair Light Damage, Repair Minor Damage, Insight Of Good Fortune, Cloud of Knives, Wall of Fire (Fire Domain 4th)
New Spells to Learn at Korranseburg Library:
Power Word: Fatigue RD 115, Power Word: Pain RD116, Power Word: Sicken RD116, Dawnburst Dark Way (SC p58 for scrolls only)CM 101, Karmic Aura CM 108, Karmic Backlash CM 109, Truecasting CM 121, Dragon Eye Rune DM 66, Path of Frost DM 71, Soul of Order DM 73. Dark Way (SC p58 for scrolls only), Jet of Steam CM, Boiling Blood CM, Luminous Swarm CM, Spells for illusionist (restricted: conjuration and necromancy) True Strike, Feather Fall, Dispelling Touch, 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image;
Adept Spells for Archivist:
Level 3 spells
S. O. P.
1. When leaving dungeon Paz scouts exit to check for ambush.
2. If DM rolls attack roll and damage at same time Din will use immediate figment for every attack unless otherwise noted.
3. Din is always hiding in the shadows and moving silently unless the movement speed of the party prevents it.
4. At fancy parties Zed wears the backpack.
5. If I have an opportunity to learn new spells Din will always do so.
6. I carry Brianna’s staff and fog horn if she is some where safe and not with party.
The description of the Knowledge skill indicates that in general, the baseline DC of checks to identify monsters and remember one bit of useful information about their special powers or vulnerabilities is equal to 10 + the monster's HD. Every 5 points by which the check result exceeds the DC yields another useful piece of information (PH 78).
As a general rule of thumb, a DC 15 check or higher will reveal all of the base creature's type and subtype traits as defined in the glossary. This often includes information about energy resistance or various immunities. For instance, a DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check reveals that dragons have high hit points (12-sided HD), all good saves, and have darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. They eat, sleep, and breathe.
Information specific to the creature, such as its type of damage resistance, spell-like abilities, or immunities come with the high DC check results.
Celestial giant bee CR 1; Medium Magical Beast (Augmented,Extraplanar); HD 3d8 (Vermin) ; hp 13; Init +2; Spd 20, Fly, Good 80; AC:14 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:12); Atk +2 (1d4, Sting); SA: Poison (Ex) , Smite Evil (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Vermin, Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., Mindless (Ex), Immunity: Mind-Affecting Attacks (Ex), Resistance: Electricity (Ex): 5, Resistance: Cold (Ex): 5, Spell Resistance (Ex): 3 + 5, Resistance: Acid (Ex): 5; AL N; SV Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +2; STR 11, DEX 14, CON 11, INT --, WIS 12, CHA 9.
Skills: Spot +5.
Description: Although they are many times larger, growing to a length of about 5 feet, giant bees behave generally the same as their smaller cousins.
Combat: Giant bees are usually not aggressive except when defending themselves or their hive.
Special Attacks: Poison (Ex): Sting, Fortitude save (DC 13); initial and secondary damage 1d6 temporary Constitution. A bee that successfully stings another creature pulls away, leaving its stinger in the creature. The bee then dies.
Celestial giant bombardier beetle: CR 2; Medium Magical Beast (Augmented,Extraplanar); HD 2d8+4 (Vermin) ; hp 13; Init +0; Spd 30; AC:16 (Flatfooted:16 Touch:10); Atk +2(1d4+1, Bite); SA: Acid Spray (Ex) , Smite Evil (Su) ; SQ: Racial Traits: Vermin, Darkvision (Ex): 60 ft., Mindless (Ex), Immunity: Mind-Affecting Attacks (Ex), Resistance: Electricity (Ex): 5, Resistance: Cold (Ex): 5, Spell Resistance (Ex): 2 + 5, Resistance: Acid (Ex): 5; AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +0, Will +0; STR 13, DEX 10, CON 14, INT --, WIS 10, CHA 9.
Description: These creatures feed primarily on carrion and offal, gathering heaps of the stuff in which to build nests and lay eggs. A giant bombardier beetle is about 6 feet long.
Giant bombardier beetles have no interest in other creatures. They normally attack only to defend themselves, their nests, or their eggs.
Combat: Giant bombardier beetles bite with their mandibles and spray acid.
Special Attacks: Acid Spray (Ex): When attacked or disturbed, a giant bombardier beetle can release a 10-foot cone of acidic vapor once per round. Those within the cone must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 13) or take 1d4+2 points of damage.

wolf: CR 1; Medium Animal ; HD 2d8+4 (Animal) ; hp 13; Init +2; Spd 50; AC:14 (Flatfooted:12 Touch:12); Atk +2 base melee, +3 base ranged; +2 (1d6+1, Bite); SA: Trip (Ex) ; SQ: Scent (Ex), Low-light Vision (Ex); AL N; SV Fort +5, Ref +5, Will +1; STR 13, DEX 15, CON 15, INT 2, WIS 12, CHA 6.
Skills: Jump +9.
Feats: Track.
Description: Wolves are pack hunters infamous for their persistence and cunning.
Combat: A favorite tactic is to send a few individuals against the foe's front while the rest of the pack circles and attacks from the flanks or rear.
Special Attacks: Trip (Ex): A wolf that hits with a bite attack can attempt to trip the opponent as a free action (see page 139 in the Player's Handbook) without making a touch attack or provoking an attack of opportunity. If the attempt fails, the opponent cannot react to trip the wolf.

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Tuesday, May 29, 2007

998 Sypheros 20th-22nd

998 Sypheros 20th morning, the Elven village of Starsong Hill near the border of New Cyre

As I suspected the giant owls that I saw silhouetted against the moon were no threat to my company. Their masters could easily have had the great birds attack us unseen and unheard had that been their desire. But as fortune would have it these were instead the very elves for which we had been searching as per the messenger sent by Prince Orgev. The small party of forest elves recovered a ring from the emerald dragon-beast’s viscera and then questioned us about our business in their swamp. My companions and I explained to the elves about the massive horde of hobgoblins bearing down on New Cyre. Then we related the information we had obtained that indicated the existence of spawning facility for the draconic beasts in their very own swamp. Not surprisingly the elves knew something of these matters and offered to fly us to their woodland home.

Starsong Hill was a fairly typical elven tree village with dwellings merging almost seamlessly into the surrounding forest. We were brought before their leader Speaker of the Song Sellyria Starsinger and explained the situation to her and her advisors. It seems the elves were having some trouble with the same group of hobgoblins and their lizardfolk allies. Occasionally the old adage has validity; the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Helpfully they offered to guide us to the sunken city ruins that the hobgoblins were using as a base to breed these unholy beasts.

Sellyria gave us free access to their village and my companions and I split up to follow our own personal agendas prior to turning in for the night. Elarin slipped out to console Trellara Nightshadow, the widow of the elf slain by the razor-wing that we slew in turn. Zed wandered, seemingly aimlessly, but in actuality he trolled for intelligence as he meandered around the village. For my part I trekked over to the Sovereign Host temple dedicated to Balinor. I engaged two of their priests in a lengthy discussion of nature magic and they offered to scribe a scroll so that I could learn that most useful of all nature magics, the ability to grow plants to enormous size and thus subsequently multiply crop yields. I plan to use this spell to ensure that New Cyre recovers from this war without the widespread starvation that typically accompanies total warfare. Of course I am getting ahead of myself as we still have to win the war and this is by no means assured.

I was at the Host temple and thus I was not to be a witness to the demonstration of Pazenga’s incredible skills in unarmed combat. However I was told that my gith companion located a small group of martial artists that served as monastery to the village. Pazenga sought them out in hopes of learning new fighting techniques but instead the gith has become something of an instructor to the elves. Apparently Paz sparred with a female elf by the name of Kala Forestfist who served as the mistress of the small temple. Kala was totally incapable of even touching Pazenga. A single nerve pinch delivered to the elf woman’s neck left her weak, shaking, and humbled. As powerful as the elven people are, they cannot hope to match a githzerai in unarmed combat. Enough of this for tonight, I must get some sleep to face the trials of tomorrow.

998 Sypheros 22nd morning, Starsong Hill near the border of New Cyre

On the day of our journey to Rhest’s ruins we rose at dawn and made preparations for our assault. We traveled via bark canoes provided by our new elven allies. The outpost at the Rhest ruins was in actuality two compounds. Ringing the perimeter of a small lake was a village consisting of the grass huts of lizardfolk. In the center of the lake were the remnants of two tall buildings projecting above the murky black water. The two buildings were further interlaced with a series of connecting bridges that facilitated traffic between the two structures. We had no way of knowing how many floors were invisible, buried under many feet of stagnant water and muck.

As per our standard reconnaissance protocol, we sent Pazenga ahead to scout out the lizard huts. Pazenga returned a few minutes later and reported that the lizard-people bore arms and armor with the scarlet hand sigil that indicated membership in the hobgoblin army. We reluctantly gave Pazenga permission to use lethal force against any lizard men he should encounter. I was to find out later that Pazenga followed the grim necessity to the extreme by slaying the humanoid reptiles mercilessly in their sleep. Although I would not have done this myself, I can’t fault him for it either. What was he to do, wake them, then kill them? How much more merciful would that have been? Neither could we leave such a significant force along our route of retreat, should events turn against us. I can only hope that he spared any of the small ones but I cannot bear to ask.

When the threat to our line of retreat was secured, we hid out of sight in a lizardfolk hut until nightfall. As we awaited sunset we spotted a dark scaled dragon and rider fly off toward the horizon. Taking advantage of the creature’s absence we silently paddled toward the two ruined buildings. Pazenga suggested we initiate our assault at the building vacated by the horse-sized black dragon. Again we sent Pazenga ahead to scout and he quickly returned warning us of four ogres guarding the roof of the structure. I placed a silence magic upon Pazenga and sent him ahead to begin the attack. For a short time Pazenga fought the giants alone and the silence magic prevented them from calling an alarm. Soon Zed, Elarin, Crucible, and the two warforged warriors Smelt and Prong joined the battle and made short work of the undisciplined ogres.

Afterward we once again we sent Pazenga ahead to reconnoiter and he came upon a two headed giant on the level below the roof. Since the silence magic was still in effect Pazenga chose to immediately attack the ettin in silence because he would not be able to report back while silenced in any case. It was a stalemate as the mighty giant was unable to strike our agile martial artist and Pazenga could not inflict any serious harm on the giant-kin. After a few heart beats we began to descend the stairs to check on our gith friend and we came upon the furious melee. Elarin, Zed, and the warforged waded into the battle, and although Zed was seriously injured, the ettin was quickly dispatched.

After searching the giant's lair we sent Pazenga down the stairs again to scout out the next level. There Paz found the black dragon’s lair and his treasure horde. We discovered two wands, an enchanted headband, a magic horn, and a great deal of coin. Crucible was later to identify these items as wands of paralyzing and lightning, a horn of fog summoning, and a headband to improve a wizard‘s understanding of magic. Significantly, we discovered the phylactery of a lich and a letter from the hobgoblin leadership indicating that they were blackmailing this “Ghost Lord” into joining his forces to their mighty horde. After collecting the items we began a room to room search of this level. Pazenga stumbled upon one of the dragon’s lieutenants and was attacked. The gith monk was able to fight off the goblinoid enchanter’s attempts at mind control through sheer force of will alone. Pazenga countered attacked and the hobgoblin mindbender was forced to retreat to preserve his life. Turning invisible, he slipped past Pazenga and would have been able to escape. Foolishly the goblinoid spellbinder chose to renew his attack on the rest of our party but he was vastly out numbered and was quickly slain.

After dispatching the hobgoblin spellbinder we set about preparing a trap for the dragon's return. We surrounded the acid-melted hole that served as an emergency escape route for the amphibious dragon. Stupidly we had not reckoned on the dragon arriving by air The black dragon landed on the roof and the four ogre corpses tipped it off that assassins stalked its lair. The dragon wisely burned another entrance into its treasure room with its vitriolic acid vomit.

Now our positions were reversed with the dragon prepared to ambush us if we entered the adjacent room. The dragon let out a horrible mind rending roar and all the warforged fled save Zed. Pazenga opened the door and was able to dodge the gout of acid vomit. The glistening ebony dragon was so large that it filled the majority of the ante-chamber and our gith martial artist was forced to leap and roll in order to maneuver safely to the reptilian monster’s flank where he delivered a debilitating nerve punch to its shoulder. Then the remainder of the Honor Guard surged into action. I cast a light bending illusion to protect Zed and he went on to attack the dragon. The warforged swordsman sliced a book-sized section of scale and skin from the dragon’s neck but the dragon seemed to barely notice. Elarin strode a few steps forward and the very air shimmered as he gathered the power of his fire ray spell. The elven sorcerer-soldier released the power of the spell and this time it burned, not orange, but white hot. The dragon roared in pain as the scales below his neck were incinerated. Zed drove his great sword into the seared and ruined breast and the dragon staggered, this time weakly screeching in pain. Seizing the opportunity, my beloved Bryanna blasted her own, albeit inferior, orange-yellow fire ray spell into the hole left by Zed’s great sword and fire sprayed out its mouth as the dragon‘s own throat burst into flames. The ebony dragon sagged and its eyes went dark.

As we smote the dragon to its knees its rider, a skilled goblin archer, charged in via the stairs and began a furious arrow barrage. Despite the goblinoid’s obvious skill it was far too little and far too late. The goblin archer managed to inflict only a couple of insignificant flesh wounds before Pazenga knocked him out and tied him up. We thought that this goblin captain would be a valuable source of information to take back to New Cyre but such was not to be.

Now that we had cleared out the leadership tower we decided to head over to the aquatic corral-like structure we had seen from the roof. Once again we followed standard protocol and had Pazenga scout ahead to flush out any hazards. As Pazenga scanned the corral for draconic eggs suddenly another one of the green dragon-like razor wings leapt out of the water and coughed acid gas at him. Pazenga easily slipped under the gas and thus the dragon-like creature chose instead to employ the appendages that give it its name. The razor wing was incredibly agile for it was the first creature I have ever seen out maneuver the swift Pazenga. The creature would dart in, slash at Paz with a wing, and dart back into the water before the githzerai monk could land a blow. We allowed this to go on only a few seconds before the rest of us strode into action. Reacting first, Elarin took careful aim with his powerful hobgoblin longbow and fired an arrow straight into the creature's eye. The arrow passed into its brain killing the reptile instantly. The four of us turned to Elarin in mute shock. I remember saying, “I had no idea you could shoot like that Elarin.”

We did not have long to admire Elarin's skill with the bow as we soon heard the blast of a hobgoblin horn and the sound of many hobnailed boots hammering on wooden planks. We formed a defensive position on the bridge with the warforged soldiers forming a shield wall in front backed by Zed and Crucible and with Bryanna, Elarin, and I hiding in the room with the dragon corpse. Bryanna darted to the rear of the warforged formation and cast a fog spell that concealed our position. Unable to see what was going on, I screamed for Zed to destroy the bridge. I had in mind that warforged cannot drown but heavily armored hobgoblins almost certainly would. Unfortunately Zed did not exercise basic caution and instead of cleaving the bridge under a hobgoblin’s feet he cut the bridge out from under himself causing him to plunge into the dark water.

I quickly followed Bryanna to the rear of our formation and we both cast our mirror images spell. Meanwhile the warforged Smelt was driven back into the bridge gap created by Zed’s sword and disappeared beneath dirty water. Pazenga left the safety of the corral and attacked the hobgoblin rear. The gith monk tripped a hobgoblin swordsman and shoved him off the bridge to drown in the dark water. Then Paz did likewise to the next goblin-kin in the line. Other goblinoid warriors kept attempting to leap Zed’s gap to attack Bryanna but they were being slain by Crucible and Elarin, greatly assisted by the murky water.

Suddenly Bryanna and I heard the sound of booted feet tromping at our rear. Although they could not see us my wife and I knew we had to escape or be overrun by the deadly hobgoblin soldiers. I grabbed Bryanna with my right arm and cast my spell of levitation with my left while Bryanna hugged into me placing her staff around the back of my neck. We quickly rose out of the conjured mist and I cast my new prismatic sparks spell so that it would extend into the fog and the hidden hobgoblins. The spell did little damage but it did demoralize those hobgoblins participating in the flanking attack. By this time the living constructs Crucible and Prong had eliminated the primary attack and so they withdrew toward Elarin and the cooling dragon corpse. As we rose from the mist a hobgoblin sorcerer that was fleeing the rainbow flecked purple mist spotted us and retaliated with a fireball. Our hair was singed and we received superficial burns but we survived otherwise intact. I counter attacked with my own fireball blasting the spellbinder from his feet. The sorcerer cast another spell, probably invisibility, and was lost from view. I cast another prismatic mist spell on the other side of the building to discourage fresh troops from arriving on that side.

As Bryanna used the powerful staff to heal her burns, we discovered that Zed had gained the roof and was engaging the hobgoblin snipers in hand to hand combat. The other warforged and Elarin soon joined him, rallying our forces and driving the snipers from the roof.

It was at this time that Pazenga again appeared at the what would have been the rear of the hobgoblin flankers, had they not been fleeing my enchanted mist. The invisible sorcerer summoned a horde of bats to harass and lacerate the githzerai but this did not stop him from destroying the two remaining goblin swordsmen. Apparently the goblin-kin sorcerer chose the better part of valor and levitated out of Pazenga’s reach. When the spell-binder passed above the mist he blasted Bryanna and I with another fireball again causing painful but not life threatening burns. I countered with a blast of five force missiles to the sorcerer’s heart and he plunged back into the mist.

Silence again reigned around Rhest's ruins and we waited for the spells to dissipate before continuing our mission. It came as an unwelcome surprise when we realized that goblin captain had escaped in the confusion and mist. Pazenga and Zed destroyed the eggs while the balance of our party prepared the hatching facility for arson. This accomplished we disembarked in the canoe with flames roaring into the skies behind us. After paddling to shore we razed the lizard folk huts to the ground as well. For some reason I feel a small portion of shame over destroying the lizard man village. Perhaps this is because I suspect that the crocodile people were unwilling allies of the red hand horde. Perhaps under other circumstances we could have been friends but, given what has happened, there is little we can do to placate them. Perhaps someday in the distant future.

Now that we have returned to Starsong Hill we must prepare for an expedition to the lair of this “Ghost Lord”. We discussed many options and have decided to bring him his phylactery in the hope of ensuring his neutrality in this conflict. If things go poorly, I will call for a retreat leaving the phylactery in our wake, surely it will be found and the appropriate conclusions will be drawn. This may be our only hope, for if we are forced to fight the lich some of us will surely die, perhaps all of us.

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Monday, May 07, 2007

Sypheros 18th-19th

Sypheros 18th on the Rest Trail, New Cyre

It may be that there is still some hope for New Cyre. If we play this war as might a shrewd chess master, perhaps we can manage to steal a victory from the jaws of this looming disaster. My renewed optimism is owed to a small reversal of fortune. Both Pazenga and Zed returned to the fold putting the “Honor Guard” at full strength once again. Thus I knew that the odds of a successful elimination of the roadblock were now in our favor.

Shortly after being reunited, we were approached by a courier from Prince Orgev himself. The letter added nothing new to our understanding of the situation but did promise a significant reward for our part in the coming conflict. The courier not only mentioned the road block, which was already a designated target, he also provided new information on these preternatural dragonmen allied to our enemies. The courier mentioned that Prince Orgev’s intelligence operatives suspected some sort of “spawnery” or breeding facility for the humanoid dragons. We promised to deal with the facility after lifting the road block, should we find it or hear rumor of its whereabouts.

After a short journey we came upon the purported “road block”. This road block was in actuality a small timber keep in its own right. Two hobgoblin archers walked sentry-go on the central and highest section of the timber keep. Not knowing the forces that might be concealed within, I chose a conservative strategy that would force the enemy to tip their hand while preserving the strengths of our own small company.

I cast a spell of levitation upon Pazenga and we placed a noose around his midsection. I then raised him the better part of ten yards into the air. Zed our warforged warrior grabbed the rope and began a quick march toward the timber keep. When Zed gained the timber fort he released Pazenga. The two goblinoid archers began a frantic barrage of arrows, to little effect. The arrows could do little more than dent the adamantine “skin” of Zed the warforged and Pazenga himself was a spinning blur, impossible to see much less hit.

Suddenly two powerfully muscled ogres, adult males seemingly, appeared on the lesser walls and began hurling huge javelins the size of wagon axles. I had erred in allowing Pazenga to advance so far ahead of me and I was unable to lower him until far later in the fight than originally planned. Zed's adamantine battle-sword hewed the keep’s wooden door from its hinges. Then Pazenga drew his own crossbow and returned fire as Zed retreated out of arrow range. The gith martial artist spun more wildly our of control with each recoil but staunchly continued his barrage. At that point the self-same two ogres burst out of the sundered gate and charged us. Zed reversed directions and counter-charged the two mighty giant-kin. Elarin and I saw that it was time to make our move so we leapt from Failin’s elemental wagon and began to run in the direction of the keep. Zed's new found allies, Crucible the warforged artificer and his three soldier-constructs, quick-marched closely behind us. Elarin drove an acid missle deep into one ogre’s chest. Zed followed the magical attack with a deadly slash to the abdomen that spilled the ogre’s viscera on the ground.

Sensing that Zed had the ogre front well in hand, and that his warforged allies were about to enter the fray on his behalf, Elarin and I continued to run for the fort in order to succor Pazenga. Once at the gate I canceled the levitation magic on the gith monk and he plowed into the hobgoblin archers. Pazenga quickly dispatched the wounded archer but the other proved to be more of a challenge. Meanwhile the remaining ogre had managed, through sheer brute force, to crumple Zed’s adamantine skin. The oily black liquid that serves as warforged blood pooled at Zed's feet but the warrior refused retreat. It seemed that another such blow would deactivate the construct-swordsman. Fearing for their new leader, the warforged soldiers darted in, heedless of the danger presented by the ogre’s huge cudgel. The ogre managed to bludgeon one of the warforged soldiers, crushing his adamantine skin and splitting him nearly, if not so neatly, in half. The other warforgeds laid into the remaining ogre inflicting shallow but debilitating wounds. The soldier’s sacrifice and the ferocity of the new assault provided Zed with the opening he needed to deliver one last desperate blow. Zed cut the ogre’s left leg out from under him and the warforged squad fell upon the flailing giant and put an end to his suffering.

Elarin and I were trapped in front of the timber fort, unable to penetrate the hastily repaired gate. Losing patience, I cast my fire sphere spell on the wooden gate and held it there until the gate went up in flames. The goblinoids inside the fort decided that a conflagration constituted legitimate grounds for a strategic retreat and exited the back door. By now Pazenga had defeated his second opponent and chose to give chase. The hobgoblins turned on the lone gith thinking him easy prey. They surrounded the deadly githzerai and attempted to overwhelm him by sheer force of numbers. They found Paz a frustratingly elusive foe. It was at this time that I began to circle the fort to come to Pazenga’s aid.

While this was going on Crucible was using repairing magic to "heal" Zed and the other warforged. Unfortunately this process was to take longer than the remainder of the battle. When I rounded the last corner of the timber keep, I was spotted by three of the hobgoblins and they charged me. My illusionary image spell was still in effect and thus the goblinoids had no way to know which image was real. Of course the goblinoids knew enough about magic that they slowly began to destroy my false images. I needed to take them out quickly or, unlike Pazenga, I would be overwhelmed by sheer numbers. Careful to keep Pazenga from being burned, I dropped a fireball spell to my right and dove below the explosion. The goblinoids were dumfounded, totally unprepared for such a seemingly suicidal gambit. The hobgoblins burst into flames and were completely consumed. I escaped with only minor burns and scorched hair. The final two hobgoblins attacking Pazenga saw the deaths of their comrades and ran for their lives. After salvaging what we could of their equipment, we began our journey up the Rest Trail to locate the mysterious “spawnery“.

Sypheros 19th, on a hillock somewhere in a swamp off the Rest Trail, New Cyre

At first our tireless warforged allies marched behind the wagon as we pushed our way down the woodland trail. As the forest lowly transitioned to swamp, our construct allies were forced to cling to the sides of Falin’s elemental wagon for fear that their great weight would cause them to disappear beneath the quagmire. We had only progressed a short way through the swamp when we came upon a hillock that contained the carcass of a partially consumed owl, an owl the size of a horse. The owl had some sort of a green vitriolic fluid splattered upon it. It seemed that the creature might have been killed by acidic vomit much like that used against us by those black wingless dragonmen. We sent Pazenga a short distance ahead to investigate. Before Pazenga could report back a green winged dragon-like beast erupted from the filthy water. The creature had only wings in the place of forearms, unlike a normal dragon, and these appendages were covered in rows of spikes turning its wings into what were effectively deadly serrated blades. We were caught off guard by this ferocious attack on our left flank and one of our warforged allies was cut in neatly in half at the waist, neatly avoiding the impervious adamantine skin. With the warforged soldier to my right slain the creature turned its attention on me and I was slashed across the left arm nearly to the bone. I knew that this creature would tear me to ribbons if given the chance and therefore I chose to go on the attack rather than throw up magical protections as is my wont. I blasted the creature with my phantasmal assailants spell and although the creature screamed in fear and pain its attacks did not relent. It was at this moment that Elarin called forth his most powerful magical attack. Four of the elf’s searing rays of fire blasted into the creature drawing bleats of pain but the spell also failed to drive the draconic beast away. Then Zed drove into the creature with the force of a bladed battering ram. The swordsman’s first blow cut deeply into the creature’s shoulder, nearly removed the left wing, and forcing the thing back away from me. The dragon-like monster counter attacked desperately but futilely. Zed’s second blow removed its head and sent its body spinning into the mire.

Once we were sure of our safety, we began searching the hillock. We managed to locate a powerfully enchanted ring and a phylactery. Both were gifted to Pazenga to enhance his already incredible dodging skills. I used our remaining pearls and one of my most powerful divination spells to ascertain the powers of these two magic items. We also found an enchanted thrusting sword and this was gifted to Elarin. As it was getting late we decided to sleep on the hillock this night. I was just about to close my journal and get some overdue sleep but in the distance I can see huge owls with humanoid riders silhouetted against the moon. They do not seem bent on attack as they make no effort to hide their presence. I must find out what this is about.

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