The Journal of Dinnivan d'Sivis

This is an in character journal of a Dungeons and Dragons Eberron campaign known as "The Shattergate Cycle" as written by Dinnivan d'Sivis.

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Location: Urik, Dark Sun

I have been DMing off and on since 1979.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

998 Lharvion 28th - Barrakas 19th

998 28th of Lharvion early morning Fairhaven, Aundair

I must confess, if only to myself, that I do feel somewhat foolish. In trying to protect innocents and minimize destruction, I have been made to look the buffoon. In the days prior to the Cannith gala my companions and I were haunted by the same strange dreams. The dreams seemed to be hinting that assassins, perhaps from the Dragon Below cult, would launch some sort of attack at the Cannith ball. Dark figures that might have been dolgaunts or undead shadows slaughtered the dream-revelers mercilessly in this seemingly prophetic vision. This attack “dream” was also somehow connected to another surreal vision of a babe falling from the heavens. Given that the four of us, including an unsleeping war forged, shared seeming identical dreams, I was sure that this was divine intervention from the Sovereign Host themselves. I was so convinced that we were facing a blood bath that I wrote a less than complimentary letter to Lady Elaydren insisting that she enhance the security forces at the gala. I was concerned enough that I even had the temerity to imply that she was responsible for those slain by Xulo. Now that my fears are proved groundless, I am worried that I have alienated our former patron beyond hope of reconciliation.

Despite all my anxious vigilance at the Cannith ball, little out of the ordinary occurred. I was so upset that I nearly murdered a cloaked and cowled “mistress of the dance” with a force missile. This was due to her uncanny resemblance to the dark figures in our dreams. In the end the only violence that actually occurred at the ball was the abortive kidnapping of our elven companion, Elarin d’Phiarlan. What was seemingly a Dragon Below assassin attempted to knock Elarin insensate and take him prisoner for some nefarious reason. It was not much of a fight from what I heard. Elarin managed to stay conscious after the initial surprise attack (a severe concussion from a lead-filled sap). In rage and desperation, Elarin imbued his enchanted elven blade with his own magical might and drove it through his assailant’s chest, thus killing him with a single blow. I suppose, as they say, if you poke a lion with a stick, you deserve the mauling. Of course, as it turns out, I was correct about someone dying at the gala. The only problem being that we were the ones that killed him!

998 Barrakas 15th Fairhaven, Aundair night

We have decided to investigate the second part of the dream, that of the child falling from the sky. This vision seems to be somehow associated with the range of small mountains know as the Far Cry Hills. We are now organizing an expedition there in hopes that this part of the dream was a true vision and not a hoax as was the scene at the gala. Traveling with us are Dorb Grittar a rowdy swordsman and Borin an animal handler of House Vadalis. Borin travels with us only to care for the horses and ponies. Grittar however intends to fight along side our company at need. He is a friend that Zed made in Fairhaven and, if I am any judge of men, his sword will be of significant aid in battle.

998 Barrakas 19th somewhere between Fairhaven and the Far Cry Hills

Horror of horrors. Our horsemaster Borin met a hideous end last night. Some sort of vile tentacled Xoriat-spawn was living inside him like a monstrous parasite. The creature slew Borin when it was unable to use him to destroy us. It killed him by exiting his chest as though launched from a ballista. My companions, Grittar, and I ganged up on the squid-like aberration and hacked it to pieces. I sincerely hope this living nightmare does not happen to the rest of us. It occurs to me that the tentacled horror might have crawled up into one of Borin’s orifices while we were camped out. In which case, it could happen again to any of us. It is a most gruesome and unpleasant way to die.

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Blogger DM1979 said...

Dinnivan d’Sivis Tomebinder
Rock Gnome 5th character level, 3rd level Archivist, 2nd level Wizard (1st Gnome Illus. Racial Sub. level)
Lawful (84) Good (88) Birth Date 892 Vult 12th

S 6 (-2)
D 10 (0)
C 16 (+3)
I 19 (+4)
W 17 (+3)
Ch 11 (0)

AC 11 (15 to giants) hp 39 Speed 20’ Action Points 4 Experience Points 12,403

Melee attack: dagger -1 (-2 str, -2 flaw, +1 size, +2 wiz,&arch,) damage 1d3-2 19-20/x2
0 vs. kobolds and goblinoids

Fort +6/+8 vs. illusion (+3 con, +3 Archivist)
Reflex +1/+3 vs. illusion (+1 Archivist)
Will +9/+11 vs. illusion (+3 wisdom, +3 Archivist, +3 Wizard)

Skills (48 points Archivist 12 wizard)
Listen +5 (+3 wisdom +2 gnome 0 ranks)
Craft: Alchemy +8 (+1 rank +4 int +2 gnome +1 specialized)
Profession: Scribe +5 (+3 wisdom +1 rank +1 specialized)
Healing +7 (+3 wisdom +4 ranks)
Decipher script +9 (+1 rank +4 int +2 archivist +2 Sivis Dragonmark)
Speak Language: Goblin (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Hide +8 (+4 small +4 ranks)
Speak Language: Orc (2 skill points but 1 rank)
Knowledge Nature +9 (+5 ranks +4 int)

Knowledge Arcane +12 (+4 int +8 ranks) Magical Beasts
Knowledge Dungeoneering +12 (+4 int +8 ranks) Aberrations
Knowledge Religion +14 (+4 int +8 ranks +2 archivist) Undead
Knowledge Planes +12 (+4 int +8 ranks) Outsiders and elementals
Concentration +3 (+3 con +0 ranks)
Spell craft +14 (+4 Int +8 ranks +2 synergy w/ know. arcane)

Free- Scribe Scroll
Flaw- Augment Healing (+2 per spell level)
Flaw- Sivis Dragon Mark (comprehend languages 1/day +2 decipher script)
1st Trivial Knowledge (2 dice rolls knowledge checks)
3rd Spell Focus: illusion

Non-combatant (-2 melee)
Shaky (-2 ranged)

Specialized (+1 alchemy -2 all other crafts)
Specialized (+1 Scribe -2 all other professions)

Burrowing Mammal

Racial Abilities
Low light vision
Innate Spells (at wizard level due to 1st level gnome illusionist racial substitution level):
1/day 1st level Speak with (burrowing) Animals, Ghost Sound, Dancing Lights, Prestidigitation

Class Features:
Dark Knowledge (4/day, move action, 60’, 1 minute, know roll 15=+1 attack, 25=+2 attack, 35=+3 attack)
Shadow Shaper (hide is class skill but lose bonus feats)
Immediate Magic: Brief Figment 4/day (immediate action, 1 mirror image, 1 round, but lose familiar)
1st level Gnome Illusionist Racial Substitution level: Gnome Illusion Spells:
gnome gains wizard level as level of racial spell-like abilities and -1 spell level on the following spells 0/1st Silent Image, Ventriloquism; 1st/2nd Leomand’s Trap, Minor Image; 2nd/3rd Illusionary Script, Major Image; 3rd/4th Illusionary Wall; 4th/5th Persistent Image; 5th/6th Programmed Image
But has penalty or -1 caster level on Transmutation spells

Archivist Prayer Book
0 All Clerical
1st Cure Light Wounds, Protection From Evil, Summon Monster I, Sanctuary, Hide From Undead, Resurgence, Command, Summon Nature’s Ally I, Entangle, Night Shield, Obscuring Mist
2nd Lesser Restoration, Silence, Hold Person
Archivist Spells Prepared 4/4/3 (save 14+ spell level or 16+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Detect Poison, Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds x2
1st Obscuring Mist, Cure Light Wounds x2 (1d8+5), Summon Nature’s Ally I
2nd Silence, Hold Person x2

Illusionist Spell Book (restricted: conjuration and necromancy, Transmutation caster at level -1)
0 all except conjuration & necromancy plus Silent Image & Ventriloquism
1st Minor Image, Color Spray (p210), Charm Person, Magic Missile, Net of Shadows, Ebon Eyes (trans), Repair Light Damage (trans), Disguise Self, Shield, Reduce Person, Identify, Sleep

Wizard (Illusionist) Spells Prepared (4/4 save 14+ spell level or 16+ spell level Illusion)
0 level Silent Image, Ventriloquism, Repair Minor Damage, Prestidigitation
1st Ebon Eyes (cast at level 1)x3, Color Spray (Illus)

Light <=15, Medium <=30, Heavy <=45
Equipment (current 12 lbs)
Scholar’s outfit (worn) 0 lbs
Everburning shuttered lantern 2 lbs (carried)
Satchel 1.5
Map of Sharn 0 lbs
Traveling Papers 0 lbs
Potion of Mage Armor 0 lbs
3 Scrolls of Net of Shadows 0 lbs
Wand of Magic Missiles 0 lbs (charges unknown, 25 used)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds 0 lbs (33 charges)
Wand of Repair Light Damage 0 lbs (38 charges)
Wand of Shield Other 0 lbs (50 charges)
Letter of Introduction from Morgrave University 0 lbs
Ornate Scroll of Resist Energy 0 lbs 2nd arcane (learn on board ship)
Eberron Dragonshard (20 spell levels) 0 lbs
Belt Pouch 1 lbs
51 gold pieces
8 silver pieces
10 copper pieces
Dagger 0.5 lbs
Spell Component Pouch 2 lbs.
Flame Touched Red Iron Holy Symbol 0 lbs

Heward’s Handy Haversack: Carried for Vaegar 5 lbs total
Main Pack: Max 80 lbs - size 8 cubic feet (used 79.5 lbs)
10 Sling Bullets (Zed) 5 lbs
70 arrows (Elarin) 7 lbs
65 bolts (Vaegar) 6.5 lbs
3 bedrolls 15 lbs
50 foot of silk rope 5 lbs
24 Days Rations 24 lbs
3 water skins 12 lbs

Right Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 20 lbs)
Extra clothes/boots for Elaren 5 lbs
Extra clothes/boots for Vaegar 5 lbs
Dinnivan 2 Spell Books 6 lbs
Spell book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=34)
Prayer book 3 lbs (100 spell levels total, 0=1, used=26)
Broken Dagger 1 lbs
Dinnivan’s Journal 3 lbs

Left Pouch: Max 20 lbs – size 2 cubic feet (used 14.5 lbs)
6 Potions: 1.8 lbs
3 Holy waters
8 cure Mod 2d8+5
1 anti-toxin
1 fire acidic
1 red potion
1 grayish silver potion
2 fire resistance
1 silver sheen
Ever Bright Lantern 3 lbs
Healer Kit 1 lbs
3 sacks 1.5 lbs
6 days of Iron Rations (Vaegar) 4 lbs
Letter of Credit to house Lyrander 0 lbs
Hobgoblin spell book 3 lbs 1st-Level Spells Magic missile, shocking grasp, alarm, grease, mage armor, shield, sleep 2nd-Level Spells Ghoul Touch, Blindness/deafness, Web, Bull's Strength, Mirror Image 3rd-Level Fireball, Haste
Glamour Weave courtier outfit 2.5 lbs

Brief Personal History: Graduate of the Library of Korranberg’s College of Tabernacles (religion and philosophy). Scion of the Dragonmark House of Sivis. Worships the Sovereign Host with special focus on Aureon (LN god of law, knowledge, lore, and magic) and his wife Boldrei (LG godess of community, hearth, villages, homes, marriages, and government appointments)

Hair color- dark gray, Skin Color- light brown, thin arms and legs, small potbelly, Height 3’4’, Weight 46 lbs, Age 106

Future Feats
Sudden Widen>Sudden Maximize
Sudden Widen>Energy Substitution: electricity>Born of the 3 Thunders
Practiced Spellcaster: wizard
Craft Wand
Magic of the Land
Craft Wonderous Items
Improved Spell Focus: illlusion
Draconic Archivist (dragons and constructs)
Archivist of Nature (giants and fey)
Leadership (for female gnome Adept)
Arcane Defense: illusion
Feat Plans
6th Leadership (female gnome adept)
9th level Craft Wand
12th Improved Spell Focus: illusion*
15th Elven Spell Knowledge
18th Draconic Archivist
21st Magic of the Land

Skill Plans
Bluff 4 ranks (level 17)
Use Magic Device 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ spell craft to decipher spell scrolls)
Decipher Script 5 ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device involving scrolls)
Spell craft * ranks (+2 synergy w/ use magic device check when one rank in it)

Spells for illusionist (restricted: conjuration and necromancy)
1st True Strike, Sleep, Feather Fall, Scorching Ray
Adept Spells for Archivist:
1st Burning Hands, Obscuring Mist, Sleep
2nd Bull’s Strength, Cat’s Grace, Bear’s Endurance, Cure Moderate Wounds, Darkness, Resist Energy, Scorching Ray, See Invisibility, Web

S. O. P.
1. When leaving dungeon Vaegar scouts exit to check for ambush.
2. If DM rolls attack roll and damage at same time Din will use immediate figment for every attack unless otherwise noted.
3. Din is always hiding in the shadows and moving silently unless the movement speed of the party prevents it.

The description of the Knowledge skill indicates that in general, the baseline DC of checks to identify monsters and remember one bit of useful information about their special powers or vulnerabilities is equal to 10 + the monster's HD. Every 5 points by which the check result exceeds the DC yields another useful piece of information (PH 78).
As a general rule of thumb, a DC 15 check or higher will reveal all of the base creature's type and subtype traits as defined in the glossary. This often includes information about energy resistance or various immunities. For instance, a DC 15 Knowledge (arcana) check reveals that dragons have high hit points (12-sided HD), all good saves, and have darkvision out to 60 feet and low-light vision. They eat, sleep, and breathe.
Information specific to the creature, such as its type of damage resistance, spell-like abilities, or immunities come

9:49 PM  

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